Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 8, 11 tweets


#POTUS #Biden just finished his speech at a church service in PA. Instead of cutting out clips, I ask you watch the full 7 min.



Ignore the headlines. Ignore the pundits. Please do yourself a favor & just watch President Biden speak at a church service in Philadelphia just now. Strong. Moving. Powerful. This is who I will be voting for this November. Period.



Biden joins sermon at Church of God in Christ during 6th campaign visit to Philadelphia

Pennsylvania is considered a must-win in the 2024 presidential election.


Biden just visited a black church in Philly and he looks like a literal corpse



Oh My Lord!! The pastor had to give joebiden the $$ s and explain to him that it goes in the collection box ..



Remember when you gave money to your kid to put on the collection plate in church to teach them how to do it? But Joe Biden grew up going to black churches right?!



🔹 Biden entered the building, greeting an invisible man (or perhaps the Holy Spirit?)

🔹 Biden stood idle on the stage, seemingly confused

🔹 Biden froze as he appeared to have trouble finding the exit (again)



BIDEN: "I wanna thank, uhh, thank you uh, for uh, you know, I said, bishop, it's good to be home"



Earlier this morning JoeBiden attended a church in Philadelphia. Press pool counts about 280 people, yet the report from the Biden-Harris campaign pushes out a report that there were 600 people.



The pictures from realdefender45's post above.

Biden, wrapping up his pandering visit to a Philadelphia church, predictably gets lost as he shuffles out the door



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