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Jul 11, 9 tweets

furries hacked the heritage foundation (propelling project 2025) which caused the executive director to reach out and the chat logs are VILE

@MHowellTweets pivoting is a good indicator of a fragile psychology, so i can't— and won't—be too hard on you. but this avoidance of a simple question is unacceptable. with that being said, PLEASE trek outside of your echochamber and tell the american people your opinion on vore

don't get me wrong i like to reach people through my Creative endeavors but i literally did not intend for this to leave my circle. please view some posts and articles on this from the people actually putting in the work to decipher all of this creamy and flavorful data. kudos to @/HackingButLegal especially!

don't know where you people are coming from but my name is gigi, yo. i draw (furries), yo. writing a novel too, yo. uh huh. soulfully translating the phenomenon of consciousness, identity & our Universe through art, yo. from my own two calloused hands, yo.

just learned this, eveyone please give a huge kudos to #SeigedSec, as this was their last target before disbanding!! they did pivotal work in hacktivism. well wishes

vio / anyone from seiged if you see this (and want) i will doodle your oc for free hit me up

didn't want to add on to this thread but this is real LMAO. little genius is boasting about it on his twitter like a poser

not muting this btw. i invite anybody with an opposing view to come into my DMs with the intention of having a fair discussion. if not, i strongly recommend you grow a backbone.

i also want to FYI that i am not associated with the hacking group. if you want their commentary, i'm not the person to message

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