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Jul 12, 15 tweets

Biden has a really good crowd in Detroit

Biden on speculation he'll drop out: "I am running and we're gonna win."

"Lock him up!" chants about Trump at the Biden rally which frankly is a look I don't love


Biden: "I love telling Trump this, even though I don't own any stock. The stock market is at a historic high."

Biden: "That's why I call him Donald 'Herbert Hoover' Trump!"

Biden brings up Trump's stories about sharks and electrocutions

Biden brings up Trump's praise for Putin and says, "but people would rather talk about how I mix up names. I guess they don't remember that Trump called Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi."

Biden is really unloading on Trump: "Donald Trump is a convicted criminal ... of 34 felonies for paying hush money to a porn star and hiding it from voters in 2016. Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault ... it's the judge's language, not mine. He raped her."

Biden is interrupted by demonstrator and after a lengthy pause says, "Folks, look, I understand her passion. That's why I put together a detailed plan that the UN has accepted, that the Israelis have accepted, that the Palestinians have accepted ... This war must end."

Biden: "Trump said if he wins, he'll be a dictator on day one. He means it, folks. We're not gonna let that happen. Over my dead body it will happen."

Biden: "Just look at this right-wing Project 2025... [it] is run & paid for by Trump people... [it's] the biggest attack on our system of government and our personal freedom that has ever been proposed in this country... [it] will criminalize the shipping of abortion medication"

This is a good line 👇

Biden: "I know I look 40, but I'm a little bit older. Hopefully with age comes a little wisdom. And here's what I know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how & I've demonstrated how to do this job. And I know Americans want a president not a dictator."

Biden's speech to a very hot crowd in Detroit is over. If you appreciate me bringing you some highlights from it, please show love by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy it and paid subscribers make my work possible. publicnotice.co/subscribe

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