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Full-time YouTube thumbnail designer with a wife and three kids. Host of Thumbnail Thursday. Live each week 8pm CDT only on X (turn on notifications)

Jul 14, 10 tweets

Not only is this moment historical, but the photo that @evanvucci took is also perfect.

The level of compositional mastery comes from over two decades of experience in the field and a sharpness that only comes from thousands and thousands of "reps."


Evan Vucci is the chief photographer for the Associated Press in Washington, DC. Known for his bipartisan approach, he is a dedicated journalist who takes exceptional photos.

Vucci was awarded the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography for covering the aftermath and protests following George Floyd's death.

He consistently covers both sides of the political spectrum with professionalism and integrity.


You can actually see Evan taking that iconic image during the rally coverage below.

Observe Evan's calm demeanor. This is a result of his extensive experience and unwavering confidence. It's as if he was born to frame and compose shots, a skill that has become his second nature.

I'm sure he saw the flag up there, waited for that moment, and initiated the shutter on his Sony.

It wouldn't have looked as good if he had been standing slightly to the right like the other photographers. He was in the perfect spot, and he knew it.


Evan Vucci is an American legend who will go down in history as one of the most outstanding Journalists of our time.

Follow @evanvucci and credit him when sharing his work.


And, of course, my condolences to the spectator who was killed in the crossfire.

I am in total agreement with President Biden, who said, "There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it."

Please pray for our country and the victims of this tragic assassination attempt.


New photo provided by @dougmillsnyt from New York Times showing the bullet in motion! Insane

Just found this video interview of @evanvucci sharing his passion for Brazilian jiu-jitsu. This guy is a national treasure.

Protect this man at all costs.

Was mentioned in this great writeup about Evan from @IndiaToday indiatoday.in/world/story/do…

The image converted to B&W looks good too. Great contrast.

If you feel compelled, please consider donating to the victims of the shooting here: gofundme.com/f/president-tr…

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