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Jul 16, 22 tweets

Michael @Saylor's 21 Rules of #Bitcoin are designed to provide insights and guidance for understanding and investing in Bitcoin.

Here are brief descriptions for each rule. Thread 👇

Understanding vs. Criticizing:

Those who understand Bitcoin buy Bitcoin; those who don’t, criticize it. If you truly understand Bitcoin, you can’t help but buy it. Critics often lack this understanding and view Bitcoin with skepticism.

Initial Opposition:

Everyone is against Bitcoin before they support it. Many individuals and institutions initially resist Bitcoin. This opposition often stems from a lack of understanding or fear of change. Initially, people might dismiss Bitcoin, but as they dig deeper, they start to see its value and benefits.

Continuous Learning:

You know you grasp Bitcoin when you realize you’ll never fully understand it. There’s always more to learn about Bitcoin, whether it’s the technology, economics, or societal impacts.

Powered by Chaos:

Bitcoin thrives in chaos. The randomness and vast possibilities of private keys contribute to Bitcoin’s security. This chaos ensures its resilience and decentralization.

Universal Winning:

Bitcoin is the only game in the casino where everyone can win. Unlike traditional financial systems where the house always has an edge, Bitcoin offers a fair playing field for all participants.

Full Commitment:

Bitcoin won’t protect you if you don’t wear the armor. You need to be fully committed to Bitcoin to reap its protective benefits. Partial investment won’t shield you from financial instability.

True Ownership:

Bitcoin is the only thing you can truly own. Unlike physical assets that can be seized or restricted, Bitcoin, secured by your private key, is genuinely yours.

Price Is Deserved:

Everyone buys Bitcoin at the price they deserve. Your understanding and timing influence the price you pay for Bitcoin. The sooner you grasp its value, the better the price.

Investment That is Safe:

Buy Bitcoin with money you can’t afford to lose. Saylor flips this conventional wisdom, suggesting that Bitcoin should be a primary, not speculative, investment.

Escape the Matrix:

Tickets to escape the Matrix are priced in Bitcoin. Bitcoin offers a way out of the traditional financial system, providing freedom and control over your wealth.

Selective Insight:

This means that knowledge and insights about Bitcoin are limited to those who actually need it. People at the top of the Cantillon effect, such as politicians with significant power or leaders of major banks, don’t need to understand Bitcoin. These individuals already have it good and will continue to do so because they never lack money in fiat terms due to the Cantillon effect. Only those who need it will learn about Bitcoin and understand why it’s necessary.

Cantillon Effect Explained

Let’s explain the Cantillon effect here to clarify: in the current fiat system, it refers to those close to the money creation benefiting first. The newly created money benefits those near the source before inflation trickles down, allowing them to profit more than others. What’s interesting here is that often it’s said you need significant wealth to invest in Bitcoin. However, this rule shows that those who need to save and protect their value are the ones who understand and embrace Bitcoin quickly, unlike those who thrive in the current system.

Destruction of Models:

This doesn’t just apply to financial models but also political ones. All the models we currently know will break. Think of it like the “there is no spoon” analogy from The Matrix. Once you dive into Bitcoin, many other aspects of the world and financial system become clear, and old models collapse.

The Orange Pill:

Bitcoin is the cure for the current fiat system’s problems. This analogy to The Matrix shows that Bitcoin is the solution to the economic issues we face today.

Positive Promotion:

If Bitcoin is as good as we believe, there’s no need to fight the current system. Highlight Bitcoin’s benefits rather than attacking fiat currency.

Universal Accessibility:

Bitcoin is accessible to everyone, including those you might see as political or personal adversaries. There’s no third party deciding who can or cannot use Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Mindset:

Stop thinking in fiat terms. When you start seeing Bitcoin as the standard, you’ll be more critical of your investments.

Immutable Bitcoin:

Bitcoin changes your perspective, your thinking, and your approach to life. You won’t change Bitcoin, but it will definitely change you.

Laser Focus:

The meme of laser eyes symbolizes focus on Bitcoin. This focus helps you stay away from scams and misinformation.

Respect Bitcoin:

If you don’t respect Bitcoin, you risk making a fool of yourself. Many who tried to change or discredit Bitcoin have ended up looking foolish.

Never Sell:

Don’t sell your Bitcoin, especially not to big players or governments. Keep it as a hedge against the fiat system and the inflation.

Spread with Love:

Spread the word about Bitcoin with love and patience. If you’ve talked to someone about Bitcoin, it means you care about them. Be kind and supportive as they learn

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