THREAD: JD Vance and Project 2025 are a match made in heaven. Vance will do whatever Trump asks of him, no matter how extreme.
Vance promoted Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts, who recently said this American Revolution will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be
Kevin Roberts couldn't have been more excited after finding out Vance was the VP pick.
Roberts said they "are good friends" and that Heritage Foundation was "privately rooting" for Vance to be the choice
Project 2025 praises the end of Roe v. Wade and pledges to utilize DHHS and the FDA to ultimately ban abortion in America.
Project 2025 looks to Poland's success in limiting divorces and seeks to promote/incentivize heterosexual marriages.
Vance has long advocated for women to stay in abusive/violent marriages for the good of their children
Project 2025 wants to exert government control over education institutions, going so far as to oversee curriculum and weaponize funding.
Vance praised Viktor Orban's takeover and crackdown of schools and universities in Hungary. He goes so far as to assert it should happen here
Project 2025's defining goal is to completely dismantle and flood the "administrative state" with vetted MAGA loyalists. Over 50,000 - and possibly hundreds of thousands - of civil servant roles are at stake.
Vance here calls for just that, a loyal bureaucracy to MAGA
Project 2025 presents an isolationist view for America, cutting all funding to Ukraine and withdrawing from NATO.
Vance himself says he could care less what happens to Ukraine.
Project 2025's opposition to US involvement in NATO and Trump's commitment to let Russia invade "delinquent" European nations should disturb anyone.
But Vance questioned the necessity of NATO and refers to it as a US client state
Project 2025 leans into "Great Replacement Theory," claiming an invasion on our southern border is taking place to aid Democrats and must be stopped.
Vance has no issue leaning into this
Project 2025 relies on a unitary executive that acts without concern for law due to backing from the Supreme Court and conservative judges.
Vance touts the recent SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity and its ability to help Trump carry out mass deportations.
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