Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 18, 9 tweets


We just confronted the Secret Service Director at the RNC Convention.

She can run, but she can’t hide from accountability.



[First female Senator from the great state of Tenn.]



The American people deserve answers from the Secret Service.



Damn Marsha Blackburn is a badass!



Republican Senator Blackburn chased Kim Cheatle, the Director of SecretService out of the RNC Convention tonight when Cheatle showed up!

This is great. US Senators screamed at Cheatle and told her “you can run, but you can’t hide!”



Secret Service Director Cheatle should be held responsible for one of the greatest security failures in the history of the agency.

She can run but she cannot hide.



🚨FULL VIDEO: Secret Service Director REFUSES to answer to the American people.



Senator MarshaBlackburn explains how the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has impacted the Republican National Convention.



"God really had his hand on Donald Trump on Saturday and spared his life."

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