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Jul 18, 9 tweets

Trash day continues with the next stop on our #NameTheBozoTour. We have a special 3-for-1 sale with a closer look at the Canadians who made the trip down to Tennessee for GDL's neo-Nazi clown show.

First up, "Ryan Krieger" aka Ryan Scott McCann of Ontario, Canada.

Ryan McCann made headlines this week after he was charged with felony aggravated assault for beating a Nashville bartender with a carbon fiber flagpole flying a black & red swastika flag.

Although his bond was reduced this week to $50k, it appears he has an Immigration & Customs Enforcement hold according to Davidson County's jail website.…

Previously unknown prior to his arrest, Ryan McCann is known on Telegram as "Ryan Krieger." In his profile pic, McCann is wearing a skull mask & BK crown which has become a meme in Nazi circles after a man in a BK crown was kicked off a Jet Blue flight for a racist tantrum.

Joining McCann for the trip is fellow Canadian Antoni Stipan Knezovic of Ontario. Knezovic and his wife Michelle (née Karpatfi) are active in GDL's Telegram chat as Ante Kaye and Miss Kaye respectively.

It is unclear if Michelle made the trip with her husband, but Antoni Knezovic's unmasked mug has joined Jon Minadeo's gang of goons at several actions across Nashville this week throwing Nazi salutes and yelling racist & homophobic slurs.

Antoni Knezovic's was identified due to his unmasked face at multiple GDL demonstrations across Nashville this week and confirmed through comments he made in GDL's Telegram chat. In April, he admitted his first name is Tony and later chimed in to say he is from Canada.

GDL is planning to be in the Nashville area through July 22, although at least one of their Canadian members has had his trip involuntarily extended. Neo-Nazi Ryan McCann is scheduled for a preliminary hearing next week in Davidson County Court.

Update: Got ‘em 🤡

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