MilkTeaAllianceCalendar Profile picture
Calendar for the #MilkTeaAlliance to try to help highlight events & Campaigns. Google calendar link in 2nd post in pinned thread.

Jul 19, 2024, 13 tweets

The weekend is here #MilkTeaAlliance & so the upcoming events🧵is here.

B4 we begin highlighting again our friends at @bloodmoney22222 calling for coordinated sanctions on Myanmar Economic Bank and Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise

Full statement:


@bloodmoney22222 There are 11 events in the calendar this weekend. 2 exhibitions, 1 book & craft fair, 1 commemoration date (7.21), 2 discussion spaces. 3 commemoration events, 1 protest & 1 talk.

Full details in the calendar here:


@bloodmoney22222 Sat:
@AmnestyThailand hold "Activism Space 2024 1st time: Too dangerous to be yourself"
@China_Deviants & @Zephyr_Society
for discussion "Women in Social Movements: Bias and Invisible Labor"

@bloodmoney22222 @AmnestyThailand @China_Deviants @Zephyr_Society Sat cont'd
Free Burma Action Committee- San Francisco hold their weekly protest outside city hall. This week marking "Martyr's day".

Screening of @allstatic_noise in Sydney & panel w/ @AbduwelA @KyinzomD & more
@peoplesgoal2022 probably holding their Sunday talk

@bloodmoney22222 @AmnestyThailand @China_Deviants @Zephyr_Society @allstatic_noise @AbduwelA @KyinzomD @peoplesgoal2022 Sun: (@MTANeverForget)
Marks the 5th year since the brutal Yuen Long attack in Hong Kong where Pro-Beijing thugs invaded the MTR station & carried out an indiscriminate attack on pro-democracy protesters, journalists & the public.

Investigative report


Sun cont'd:
Freedom Connection HK Hold commemoration of the Yuen Long Attack (721) Melbourne
Hong Kong Indigenous Defence Force hold Commemoration of 721 "when HK police & Triads joined forces against us" in Manchester
Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles hold "7.21 尋源, 未曾完"

Sat & Sun:
@ThumbRights & Daybreaker Network for exhibition "The Letter" which highlights the power of letters from & to political prisoners! W/ discussions & food.
@SEAJunction hold their Southeast Asia Mini Book and Craft Fair!

& that's all the events for now. Thanks to @MTA_Museum @SEAJunction for tagging us in events to add. Really appreciated.

Few other bits b4 we go.
3 activists arrested for singing a protest song in Thailand this week. Read more via @prachatai_en

& also in a depressing mirror from Hong Kong, a student was charged with unlawful assembly for attending “sing with you” demonstration in 2020.


Then lastly, things in Bangladesh arn't looking good. There have been big protests against the civil service quota system by young people. The security services have responded with violence & reportedly killed over 100 people. there is an internet blackout too. #QuotaMovement

Ah almost forgot... Earlier in the week we joined
@HKLabourRights & other orgs in calling on the
@WSJ to revoke the decision to dismiss
@selina_cheng & Investigate the management involved in this union discrimination incident

@HKLabourRights @WSJ @selina_cheng That's all from us for now #MilkTeaAlliance take care of yourselves & each other, keep that hope & desire for better burning. Do what you can & stay safe.
In solidarity.

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