Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 20, 12 tweets


former and current Secret Service agents, both rank and file, and managers, are reaching out to me

telling me, and anyone else who would listen, for years, that the Secret Service was collapsing



What It’s Like Protecting the President: Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Tells His Tale

Is someone who protects the President duty-bound to keep on-the-job experiences private?


Former Secret Service Agents Speak Out on Trump Assassination Attempt

Secret Service agents quickly formed a protective circle around the former president and escorted him off the platform to a waiting vehicle


Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel



Hawley Reveals New Whistleblower Allegations Exposing ‘Loose’ Security Ahead of Trump Assassination Attempt

the July 13 rally was considered to be a ‘loose’ security event,” wrote Senator Hawley.


To Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

[pdf hawley senate gov 19JUL24]…

To Joseph V. Cuffari
Inspector General Department of Homeland Security

[pdf hawley senate gov 17JUL24]


To Larry Fink
CEO BlackRock

But there is relatively little known about the shooter. The one exception seems to be that he was featured in an advertisement by your company.

[pdf hawley senate gov 17JUL24]


Here’s the 30 second Blackrock commercial with 2 quick looks at the boy who came an inch from changing world history, because the Secret Service 100% should have stopped him and didn’t.



The 1st picture from warrenwhite123's post above [slight editing for viewing purposes only]

The 2nd picture from warrenwhite123's post above
[slight editing for viewing purposes only]

Oh, the shooter's parents were licensed "social workers" and "professional counselors" who allowed their son to be in a Blackrock commercial last year? This makes MK Ultra look like Sesame Street. 😂



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