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Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Jul 21, 23 tweets

This Robin Williams thread will brighten up your day 🧵

1. His improvised scene in Good Will Hunting made the cameraman laugh so hard the camera started shaking. Matt Damon's reaction is authentic.

2. For every movie he filmed, Robin Williams asked the production company to hire homeless people to help them get ahead.

Throughout his career, he helped more than 1,500 individuals facing homelessness.

3. Because Robin Williams often tried to insert curse words in different languages while filming Mork and Mindy, the production had to hire a censor who could speak four languages.

4. In 2001 Robin Williams met gorilla Koko, who knew 1,000 signs and understood 2,000 words. He brought Koko joy for the first time since her friend Michael died.

When told of Williams' death, Koko signed the words "cry" and then "became very gloomy."

5. Robin Williams’ emotional tribute to the American Flag

6. During the making of Aladdin, Robin would call Steven Spielberg to cheer him up while he was filming Schindler's List.

"He'd do 15 minutes of stand-up on the phone. He'd never say goodbye... just hang up on the biggest laugh he got from me. Mic drop," Spielberg remembered.

7. Robin Williams and Elmo

8. Robin Williams trying to offend as many people as possible. He simply couldn't stop.

9. Robin Williams improvised so much while filming "Mrs. Doubtfire," director Chris Columbus had the option of making a PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17 version of the movie.

10. Robin Williams having fun with Al Pacino during an interview

11. "They should actually have to have jackets with the names of all the people who are sponsoring them. Wouldn't that be cool?"

12. Good Will Hunting monologue

13. After Robin Williams was the only nominee not to win at the Critics Choice Awards, Jack Nicholson decided to call him and deliver a speech anyway.

14. Robin Williams offers Auguste Rodin's 'The Thinker' a roll of toilet paper

15. Robin made this short film in the early 80s with director Howard Storm to promote his directing stating, "If he can work with me...he can work with anybody!"

16. Remembering Robin Williams on what would have been his 73rd birthday (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2614)

17. At the peak of America's homelessness crisis in the 1990s, Robin Williams asked if he could testify before the Senate.

18. Robin Williams’ take on golf gets me every time

19. Throughout his life, Robin Williams was an animal lover who was known to be very fond of dogs. However, the late comedian actually bonded with many different animals on and off film sets, ranging from cows to gorillas.

20. Robin Williams on the banking system

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One more: Robin Williams on Joe Biden

“Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are all noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”

Dead Poets Society, 1989

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