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The Shapeshifting Exchange - DEX that maximizes liquidity provider profits in all market conditions. Built on Uniswap v4. Testnet live at https://t.co/yesaQEajS5

Jul 22, 14 tweets

A new era for decentralized exchanges begins.

Today, liquidity learns to shapeshift.

Bunni v2 testnet is now live at bunni.xyz

A new language for describing liquidity.

Uniswap v2 popularized xy=k, then Uniswap v3 introduced concentrated liquidity and ticks. Bunni v2 is the next step in this evolution.

Say goodbye to inflexible price ranges. Say hello to shapeshifting liquidity.

Bunni v2 is:

Automated: Auto-shift liquidity to keep earning fees
Customizable: Provide liquidity in any shape
Programmable: Control your liquidity's shape & behavior with code

We're giving LPs an infinite canvas for increasing profit & managing risks


A new network of partners.

Bunni v2 enables LPs to deposit idle assets into external protocols to earn extra yield. We are excited to announce that @GearboxProtocol is our first yield partner, with many more to be announced in the following weeks.

.@gearboxfi is a modular leverage protocol where you earn passive APY by lending your assets - or get up to 10x to margin trade on Uniswap and leverage farm.

Bunni v2 lets LPs use Gearbox to earn extra yield from idle liquidity, benefitting LPs, Gearbox, and Bunni. Win-win-win!

@GearboxProtocol We're also excited to announce @MorphoLabs as our second yield partner.

Morpho Blue is rated by @DefiSafety as the most secure lending protocol. Morpho supports permissionless market creation & risk management.

Bunni LPs will be able to lend idle assets to Morpho & earn yield.

Of course, don’t forget about our existing partners like @swellnetworkio @fraxfinance @dinero_xyz @EtherFi!

Expect expanded collaborations with Bunni in the coming weeks 🤫

@AlchemixFi @gravitaprotocol @BadgerDAO @Paladin_vote @Abachi_io A new way to maximize profits.

Bunni v2 is the first DEX to use the am-AMM mechanism to recapture LVR. Offchain managers compete in auctions for the right to set a pool’s swap fee and receive all of its fee revenue.

Managers naturally want to maximize fee revenue. LPs receive the auction proceeds, which recaptures LVR and swap fees.

Using offchain managers, Bunni v2 can optimize fee revenue in all market conditions and recapture losses to arbitrageurs.

Paper: arxiv.org/abs/2403.03367

A new quest for adventurers.

Bunni v2’s incentivized testnet is now open to everyone. Join Bunni Quests to learn about the future of DEX liquidity. Adventurers will be rewarded once Bunni v2 mainnet launches.

Start questing now at: bunni.xyz/quest

A new era for @Uniswap.

Bunni v2 is the first DEX built on top of Uniswap v4, and now for first time you can test out the power of Uniswap v4. As part of Uniswap’s liquidity network, Bunni v2 LPs enjoy more swap volume, less toxic orderflow, and effortless crosschain trading.

A new brand.

We have made the decision to shift away from the Timeless branding and focus 100% on Bunni. We have strong convictions in Bunni’s future as the premier DEX and want to make that clear to everyone.

The future is Bunni.


We're also hosting the Solving LVR panel w/ @aori_io, @PropellerSwap, @cove_fi, and @SorellaLabs, 4 well-respected DeFi teams. Come say gm and jam with the giga brains as we improve LP returns onchain. #Lpprofitmaxxing

Join our community.

Excited about Bunni v2? Want to give feedback about the testnet? Interested in discussing the future of liquidity?

Join our Discord at: discord.com/invite/bunnixyz

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