Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 25, 17 tweets


Journalists were calling Kamala the border czar until like five minutes ago. Don't let the media gaslight you.



The media actually thinks they can just memory hole that Kamala Harris was in fact named the Border Czar. They might be able to disappear a President, but they can’t disappear this. Well done to newsbusters



The Main Stream Media gave Kamala Harris the title "Border Czar" for three years.

Kamala Harris is running for president, and the MSM is taking away her title.

Why has the Vice President's title "Border Czar" become a misleading title?


Absolutely unbelievable:

Axios completely rewrote their article from 2021 about Kamala Harris being the border czar and added a tiny editors note to the bottom.




Harris border confusion haunts her new campaign


Joe Biden didn’t name Kamala Harris “border czar.” He tasked her with addressing the issues driving migration from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. U.S. Border security is the Homeland Security Secretary’s responsibility.



Vice President Kamala Harris might soon get a new official title: 2024 Democratic presidential nominee. In the meantime, Republicans have revived a title they gave her in 2021: "border czar."

[NOTE: The Republicans for the last three years]


"Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility."

Assigned by the President to the Vice-President

Acknowledge by the VP with her thanks to the President.



Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in a Meeting on Immigration [24MAR21]

"I’ve asked her, the VP, today __ to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle"

[NOTE: This is the official Whitehouse source]


The House just voted in favor of a resolution condemning border czar Kamala Harris for the open border catastrophe.


[NOTE: The Republicans (6 Democrats too) Strike Back]


We just PASSED our Resolution CONDEMNING Border Czar Kamala Harris’ FAILED open border policies.

6 Democrat Members of Congress VOTED YES __even her own Democrat colleagues know Kamala Harris is a TOTAL DISASTER!



Chairwoman @RepStefanik

"Kamala Harris has failed to secure our borders––instead advancing far-left Democrats' failed open-border policies and the needs of illegal immigrants over the safety of Americans."



@RepStefanik H.Res.253 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration's strategy to address the root causes of migration.


@RepStefanik My statement on passing my resolution condemning Kamala Harris’ role as open border czar with bipartisan support



@RepStefanik Kamala Harris is a complete failure as border czar.

Weak. Failed. Dangerously Liberal.



@RepStefanik “She does NOT care about you. She does NOT care about the safety of this country. HE DOES.” — Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council



@RepStefanik Kamala Harris flew to Houston for a political rally, but couldn't trouble herself to go a few hundred miles more & see the damage she caused to our border.



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