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a mind forever voyaging

Jul 26, 14 tweets


Trump falsely accuses Harris of donating to Minnesota Freedom Fund, bailing out "dangerous criminals"


Community Note


You clowns literally asked her about it



The video is recorded at 22OCT22k…

Despite Trump claim and 2020 tweet showing support, Harris never donated to Minnesota Freedom Fund


Trump slams Kamala Harris for supporting the Minnesota Freedom Fund: "Kamala Harris wants to be the president for savage criminals and illegal aliens. I will be the president for law-abiding Americans"



In the video clip above Trump makes the statements they are referring to.

Check out my record on the Harris tweet at 01JUN20h

Using Kamala Harris's tweet you can Donate now at…

This statement from Minnesota Freedom Fund is false and CBS should correct.

The Fund’s relationship with Harris also includes the money she has raised (and continues to raise) for the Fund.



Donald Trump was released on bail because he is wealthy and powerful.

Others remain in jail until trial only because they lack the wealth to pay.



This is Lionel Melaki Timms.

Kamala Harris raised money so he could be released from prison.

Days after his release, he violently assaulted a Minneapolis bar manager, leaving him with traumatic brain damage.



Suspect bailed out by Minnesota Freedom Fund leaves bar manager with traumatic brain injury in violent assault…

This is Gregory Jones.

Kamala Harris raised money so he could be released from prison.

After his release from prison, he was arrested multiple times for robbery, indecent exposure, and theft.



Oh, @MNFreedomFund bailed out another dangerous pervert, now he's charged in a new crime.
Gregory Jones, 10/20/1993, had been in custody since Christmas after being charged with attacking a woman in a #DTMpls pub bathroom.



@MNFreedomFund Kamala Harris-backed 'Freedom Fund' that put murderers, rapists back on streets still up and running [22JUL24]

'Freedom Fund,' a Harris-backed bail fund, is still accepting donations to get violent criminals out of jail

@MNFreedomFund CBS lies about Trump lying



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