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Jul 29, 9 tweets

🚨🚨 The Jan. 6 security tapes have a big surprise.
There is video of attorney Ken Chesebro & Trump campaign aide G. Michael Brown handing off fake GOP elector documents (from Wisconsin & Michigan) to aides of Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA - on Jan. 5. 🧵

While Chesebro & Brown delivered the documents on Jan. 5, aides to Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA were unable to get the materials to Pence, as the Senate Parliamentarian refused to accept the fake elector envelopes. More at 2/ jamiedupree.substack.com/p/video-surpri…

The Capitol Hill security cameras first picked up Chesebro and Brown at 3:40 pm on Jan. 5, as they walked to the Longworth House Office Building. 3/

Chesbro and Brown walked to the Longworth House Office Building and waited outside. At 3:51 pm on Jan. 5, two aides from the office of Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA came outside to meet them; they returned with the fake elector documents. 4/

The aides to Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA walked the fake elector documents to the Capitol. But that's where things went haywire. A source familiar with the matter says that the Senate Parliamentarian's office refused to accept the envelopes on Jan. 5. 5/

Unable to deliver the fake GOP documents from Michigan and Wisconsin on Jan. 5, the aides to Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA then spent 30 minutes just walking around the second floor of the Capitol - seemingly waiting for instructions. 6/

Out of options, the Kelly aides took the fake GOP elector documents from MI/WI back to their office.

That led to a scramble the next day, on Jan. 6, involving Sen. Ron Johnson R-WI, to get the WI/MI documents to VP Pence. Those efforts all failed. 7/

How do we know there were fake elector documents in those envelopes? Chesebro said so in his own text messages on Jan. 6, when he said that he dropped off the documents to aides for Rep. Mike Kelly R-PA a day earlier. 8/

The Jan. 6 committee couldn't figure out where and how the fake GOP elector documents were delivered on Jan. 5. It took me several months of going through the Capitol security tapes to find the answer. jamiedupree.substack.com/p/video-surpri…

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