Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jul 30, 12 tweets


President Biden was just asked on the tarmac about Speaker Johnson calling his Supreme Court reform “dead on arrival.”

Biden responded: “He is. Dead on arrival.”



President Biden was just asked on the tarmac about Speaker Johnson calling his Supreme Court reform “dead on arrival.” “That’s what he is,” Biden said. Asked for clarification, a reporter shouted, “That he is?” Biden responded: “He is. Dead on arrival.”

REPORTER: Speaker Johnson says it's dead on arrival."

BIDEN: "That's what he is."

REPORTER: "That he is?"

BIDEN: "He is. Dead on arrival."

- RNC Research



BIDEN: "The Republican speaker of the House says whatever he proposes is dead on arrival."

*malfunctions — reboots brain*

"Well I was thinking his thinking is dead on arrival!"



Remarks by President Biden After Air Force One Arrival | Austin, TX [29JUL24]


Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure [29JUL24]


In the face of increasing threats to America’s democratic institutions, I am calling for three bold reforms to restore trust and accountability to the Supreme Court and our democracy.



the Biden-Harris Administration __ ensure the full and fair participation of all communities __ and has delivered results through a whole-of-government equity agenda to redress systemic barriers, reduce burdens, and close unjust gaps.



FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Bold Plan to Reform the Supreme Court and Ensure No President Is Above the Law [29JUL24]…

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Office of Public Engagement Director Stephen Benjamin en Route Austin, TX [29JUL24]


Dead — dead — doomed, dead — dead on arrival.

Look, the — the president and the vice president believe that no one is above the — above the law, right?  The rule of law is part of our democracy.


uscourts_gov > Rule of Law

Control of the courts is essential to give the liberals control over when a majority infringes upon the rights of a minority,


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