🇮🇷 Rydro ☫ عباس 🕋⚔ Profile picture
Here to expose the Western hypocrisy • Leader of @NEWWORLDORDYR • https://t.co/1UAIBCAwym

Aug 1, 13 tweets

🇮🇷🇵🇸 Responding to 7 common non-sense claims spread on social media

"Ismael Haniyeh went to Turkiye, Qatar and Egypt it was fine but when he went to Iran he was killed!"

⚠️ First of all, this isn't his first time going there to Iran. If you care so much, make sure your state at least welcomes him, help fund his movement and offer him residency in their country like how your state offers protection and residency for the American soldiers

⚠️ Second, Qatar, Turkiye and Egypt all have US bases, if they wanted to assassinate him there they could have easily done it. It is not a matter if the enemy can do that or not, it is about how will it be useful or not

⚠️ Third, assassinating a Hamas leader (Sunni) in Iran will be more useful to create propaganda and fuel up the strife between Shia and Sunni to sell the narrative that Iran is the enemy of Arabs and Sunnis. When it is israel that murdered over 40,000 of Palestinians in 10 months

⚠️ Fourth, there was an assassination on a big Hamas leader in 2010 in the UAE, Dubai. Where was the outrage? Did these "resistant" people say that Sunnis and Arabs cannot be trusted? And this was way before they even normalize with israel

⚠️ Fifth, some very very ignorant people said on social media: "why they assassinated Ismael Hanniyeh but not Sayyed Nasralla?"... Are you okay? At the same day, the enemy assassinated one of the big big commanders of Hezbollah, Sayyed Mohsen.

The enemy does not care about the sect, if you oppose zionism and dare to fight it, you will be their target

⚠️ Sixth, how Iran could not protect a big leader? Iran, 1989 Mohammad Ali Rajaai, who won elections and served as president only for 28 days before he was assassinated by the Western backed Munafiqeen Al-Khalq,

same year they also tried to assassinate Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei. What do we understand from that? Choosing to resist global superpowers, one must expect that martyrdom can be one blink away regardless of the position,

everyone knows the risk of it but choose to continue this path and choose to resist. If they care so much, they would normalize and quit everything.

If you are Shia, understand that our 11 Imams suffered a lot, them and their companions for their path, our blood is not more valuable than theirs. Concept of sacrifice and jihad is so new to you? As a Muslim, you forget that?

⚠️ Seventh, some talk about Iran's lack of protection, but immediately forget that who actually protected israel during Iran's retaliation. And guess who will protect them again?

Wanna play the sectarian role and blame Shias, look at the sect and ethnicity of those who defended israel then. Where is their effort to helping the resistance? Why we do not see it?

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