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Some people just want to watch the 🌎 burn • subtle savagery • giver of the best food takes • world’s tallest short person • climate cult denier

Aug 2, 36 tweets

Things Kamala Harris supports:

-Abolishing ICE
-Decriminalizing illegal crossings
-Defunding the police
-Mandatory gun buy backs (confiscations)
-Nationalizing energy
-Banning fracking
-Banning off shore drilling
-Abolishing the filibuster
-Supporting the GND
-Ending private health insurance
-Free healthcare for all including illegals
-Mass amnesty for illegals
-Ending the death penalty
-Abolishing prisons
-Ending cash bail
-Ending mandatory minimum sentences
-Imposing carbon tax
-Child gender reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy

1. Abolishing ICE

2. Decriminalizing illegal crossings

3. Defunding the police

4. Mandatory buybacks (confiscations)

5. Banning fracking

6. Banning off shore drilling

7. Abolish the filibuster

8. Supporting the Green New Deal (also see 7)

9. Eliminating private health insurance

10. Free healthcare for all including illegals

11. Mass amnesty for illegals

12. Ending the death penalty

13. Abolishing prisons - (apparently she’s okay with the taxpayer supporting federal prisons)

14. Ending cash bail

15. Ending mandatory minimum sentencing (except for when she was a prosecutor and used it readily to lock people up for marijuana use and other non violent crime)


16. Imposing carbon tax

17. Child gender reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy


18. Kamala Harris will codify Roe and refuses to answer what the gestational limit should be on abortion

19. Kamala Harris has repeatedly refused to answer whether or not she supports packing the Supreme Court. We all know that she will.


20. Kamala Harris said in a Jimmy Kimmel interview that she was open to abolishing the Electoral College.

21. Harris supports an Electric Vehicle mandate

“Her plan proposed that new buses, heavy-duty vehicles, and vehicle fleets must be zero-emission by 2030, with all vehicles mandated to be 100 percent zero-emission by 2035.”


22. In 2020, Kamala Harris introduced Bill S.4513 - Climate Equity Act which would force Congress to consider racial climate injustices with each bill and assign an “equity score”


23. Kamala Harris falsely claims climate change is causing rising sea levels to flood our streets, raging wildfires and extreme storms, none of which is true.

24. In 2023, The Biden admin announced a plan to ban gas stoves. After much public backlash, the Biden admin retracted their ban plan only for the DOE to impose new strict efficiency standards for gas stoves weeks later. Kamala shared a photo with her husband on Christmas that showed her standing over her gas stove. Hypocrisy? Yes.

25. In June of 2020, while rioters were burning down cities and looting businesses, Kamala Harris was busy promoting a bail fund for them.

She also went on Stephen Colbert and called for more riots stating they were a movement and they weren’t going to stop or let up.

26. Kamala Harris is a communist and her word choices give it away. “Equitable distribution” “equity”

It’s a repackaged version of Karl Marx’ popularized slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” meaning a redistribution of wealth.

27. In working closely with President Biden as VP, Kamala knew more than anyone about Joe’s cognitive decline. Not only did she say nothing she also helped lead a campaign to gaslight and mislead the country.

28. 92% of Kamala Harris’ staff have quit in her first 3 years as VP. They have been quoted saying she is extremely difficult to work for and would often berate them citing a very toxic workplace.

"As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General,’" he added, mentioning how "Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members."


29. In an interview with Soledad O’Brian in 2021 when asked about Voter ID Harris gave the most ridiculous response.

Why don’t Democrats want voter ID laws?

30. Since Biden took office > 10 million illegals have crossed the southern border into the US. This doesn’t include “gotaways”. Illegal crossings cost the US taxpayer upwards of 150 billion annually.

When asked about border security, Border Czar Harris lied:

31. Kamala Harris has called for an unrealized gains tax.

“A wealth tax is an annual tax on a taxpayer’s assets. This tax leads to double and triple taxation as it is imposed in addition to income taxes and is imposed on the same assets year after year.”


32. In June of 2022, Harris/Biden launched the White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse which seeks to expand policy against
violent speech including “gendered disinformation”.
The US Dept. Of State defines gendered disinformation as “a subset of misogynistic abuse and violence against women that uses false or misleading gender and sex-based narratives, often with some degree of coordination, to deter women from participating in the public sphere”
Online examples include but not limited to - doctored videos or images, deep fakes, memes, bespoke hashtags, media articles or any type of speech used to harm.
The memorandum does not mention who or what determines what constitutes gendered disinformation leaving the interpretation open to clear abuse of the first amendment.

As doxxing, threats of violence, revenge porn, and online recruitment for sex trafficking are already illegal the so called task force comes with warranted skepticism against this administration’s intentions.

See also:


33. Kamala Harris backs hiking the current 21% federal corporate income tax rate to 35%, higher than socialist Venezuela’s 34% rate.


34. In 2020 the Biden-Harris campaign released this short video explaining the difference between equality and equity just in case you were unsure if she’s a communist.

Enforced equity by the state is called tyranny.

35. In October 2019, at a town hall in Iowa City, Iowa, Kamala Harris was asked if she would be committed to closing down immigration detention centers if she were to become president.

Here is her answer:

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