Simon Pierre Gahamanyi Profile picture

Aug 3, 8 tweets

1) Things the media will never let the people of England know:
🔺The father of Axel Muganwa Rudakubana was a child soldier in Kagame's army from 1990 -1994.This army is responsible of massacring between 10 and 15 millions of people in Congo and Rwanda. They hide it!

2)🔺Alphonse Rudakubana, the father of Axel, probably is an undercover agent of Kagame's secret services in England. Once a member of RPF, you will always had to work for them wherever you are, if you can't, you are eliminated!

3)🔺Axel is the nephew of Gasamagera Wellars, the Secretary General of Rwandan Patriotic Front, RPF. He is one of the masterminds behind all atrocities they carry globally! Do you hear the media talking about it? Why are they silent? It's because they are in bed together!

4)🔺Kagame and RPF are very important to governments in the western world because they help them sow chaos in the great lakes region of Africa for economic reasons, specifically to loot minerals. Sadly, the people in Europe are sold a lie by their media and their own governments.

5)🔺Given how much western leaders benefit from the chaos Kagame causes in Congo, they sacrifice their countries security, and bring in Europe all sorts of criminals, who they work together to kill, loot and destroy! How many times Rwandans cry for help in Europe?

5)🔺When things get bad, we the victims of such atrocities are blamed for it; that's the burden of being a Rwandan. You carry the heavy weight on your shoulders,created by the people who are hunting you down and then at the end of the day, what your hunters did, is blamed on you!

6)🔺Kagame understands that it's easier to recruit young killers than when they are adults. He needs to manipulate them and completely capture their thoughts so that he can command them into obedience. Those boys when they grow up they are likely to pass it into their offspring!

7)🔺I am very much convinced that what that boy of 17 years did, killing little girls, is related to what's going on in Rwanda &Congo by Paul Kagame/RPF, sponsored by the western world. For years they kept manipulating the world, turning a ruthless killer into a hero to benefit!

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