Nessie Profile picture nessienails elsewhere too.

Aug 4, 11 tweets

Colby Alexander Frank, aka Ace, of Florida is the last stop on the #NameTheBozoTour before a brief hiatus.

Frank was an enthusiastic participant in the Nazi harassment of Nashville, unmasked and vocal at multiple events.

Colby “Ace” Frank is a long-term dedicated member of the GDL who shows up for their publicity stunts. On at least one occasion he carried a firearm. If you see this guy, there are probably other Nazis nearby.

Colby Frank has a long history of antisemitic “activism” (with and without GDL).

In 2023 he and his Nazi-paraphernalia-wearing cohort were kicked out of a restaurant. He is clearly visible in this bodycam footage.

We won’t link to the ADL — that’s a whole ‘nother thread— but they’ve done good work on antisemitic groups in the past, including Colby Frank’s group 'NSDAP'.

Predictably, the NSDAP specializes in propaganda and publicity stunts in Florida.

Frank was also arrested with Jon Minadeo (“HT”) in Florida. Minadeo later posted a video of this arrest on Gab. We won’t link to it, because fuck Jon Minadeo’s view numbers, but Frank can be seen early in the clip.

One of his friends filming the incident says Frank was arrested after he “tried to talk to” the cops who had nabbed Minadeo and mentions Frank “had his pistol on him.”

He looks goofy-- but Colby Frank should be considered armed at any time.

A hilarious illustration of Frank not knowing anything about the law is available here.
TLDR: calling Colby Frank a Nazi isn’t defamation.…

Cause yeah. He's a Nazi.

@threadreaderapp unroll please

Here's the video, acting right this time, in which Colby Frank's pal explains that at the time of his arrest, Frank "had his pistol on him." Like we said: treat as armed.

@threadreaderapp @rattibha unroll. again. thanks.

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