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a mind forever voyaging

Aug 4, 7 tweets


Secret Service Acting Director Ronald L. Rowe is hosting a press engagement beginning at 2:00 PM ET. Watch the stream on YouTube when it becomes available.



August 2, 2024 Press Engagement with Acting Director Ronald L. Rowe, Jr.

he elaborated on a timeline of events in the days leading up to the attempted assassination of former President Trump and the activities of Secret Service personnel…

Full Press Conference by Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe from today 8/2/24 #TrumpAssasinationAttempt



Trump wasn’t given counter-sniper teams at his campaign rallies for the last two years.

When he finally was given counter-snipers in Butler, the snipers only could communicate over TEXT, no radio.



If you see a man with a gun on the roof, who would have to time take out their phone and text? The acting Secret Service Director also said today that they briefed the locals helping the morning of the rally. The locals? They say that’s a lie.


Ronald Rowe testified that the Secret Service didn't cut resources from Trump's detail.

Well, it turns out that the same guy “personally directed” Secret Service agents to be CUT.



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