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Host of 'The Watchdog' podcast on @MintPressNews

Aug 4, 2024, 11 tweets

Tommy Robinson has previously stated he would "fight for Israel in a war."

This thread examines Robinson and EDL's very clear material relationship with the Zionist Movement and considers the possibility that the racist attacks and pogroms in Britain are part of that fight.

Tommy Robinson's co-founder of the EDL was an individual called Paul Ray.

Paul Ray worked for Israeli intelligence, infiltrating and spying on the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement (ISM) of which Rachel Corrie was a member.

The information he gathered was submitted to multiple intelligence agencies. He went on to co-found the EDL with Tommy Robinson.

"We are exploiting them..."

The EDL English Defence League LTD was registered on the companies house by former Israeli soldier Roberta Moore. She was head of the EDL's Jewish Unit, which had around 100 members. When asked whether the EDL was exploiting the Zionist Movement, she retorted, "If anything, we are exploiting them."

Roberta Moore undergoing military training at an Israeli settlement.

In the early years, the EDL regularly partnered with the Zionist Federation to host demonstrations in support of the Israeli Embassy.

The head of the EDL's Jewish Unit Roberta Moore is pictured here with Jonathan Hoffman, the vice chair of the Zionist Federation at the time.

The head of the EDL's Jewish Unit, Roberta Moore, is pictured here alongside genocidal Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin and the head of the Canadian branch of the Jewish Defence League terrorist group.

On 28th of February 2013, Roberta Moore changed the name of the EDL on companies house to the Jewish Defence League UK.

The other time the English Defence League was registered on companies house was by Tommy Robinson's assistant Helen Gower.

Until 13th of June 2014, it seems to have been registered as the THE ENGLISH & JEWISH DEFENCE LEAGUE (EDL) LIMITED.

A reminder that the Jewish Defence League (JDL) is proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the United States

Tommy Robinson's connections to the fascist Zionist terror group the JDL do not end there.

An early supporter of the EDL who spoke at their rallies outside the Israeli Embassy was former Israeli military trainer Rabbi Nachum Shifren. He was also the driver for infamous JDL founder Meir Kahane.

According to his former employee, Lucy Brown, Tommy Robinson received £10,000 monthly from Robert Shillman, a board member of the Friends of the IDF.

Shillman is filmed speaking here at the Zionist Organization of America.

Tommy Robinson is pictured here with a steward provided by the Campaign Against Antisemitism.

The CAA's founder and director is simultaneously a director of the JNF, the largest settlement building org in occupied Palestine.

The Israeli PM and President are patrons of the JNF.

Tommy Robinson previously described a key figure on the Board of Deputies, Robert Festenstein, as his legal advisor.

The Board of Deputies states in its 2020 Trustees Report that it has a "close working relationship with the Israeli embassy and strengthened links to the IDF."

Decades of propaganda have led to today's racist attacks, but one of the least examined aspects of this has been Robinson's own statements, which contextualise it as revenge for pro-Palestinian protests.

His long relationship with the Zionist Movement needs further investigation as an issue of national security.

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