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Aug 6, 7 tweets

PSA: Don't take any piece of reporting from CNN's @Tamaraqiblawi seriously.

@AuhsdBond did a little digging and found some shocking posts from her past, starting with this gem. But it gets worse 🧵

.@tamaraqiblawi used to write for the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar.

Where she effectively acted as Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah's stenographer

Anyone who calls themselves a "big fan" of legitimate crazy person Ali Abunimah should not be employed by a mainstream news outlet

And last, but certainly not least, @tamaraqiblawi attended fancy Hamas shindigs.

This is not an objective journalist, @CNN.

She is a propagandist for terrorist organizations. And you hired her to do investigations for you

@tamaraqiblawi @CNN Update: additional receipts from the excellent @Osint613

@tamaraqiblawi @CNN @Osint613 It keeps getting worse. H/T @AuhsdBond

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