Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Aug 6, 15 tweets


Elon Musk's menace to democracy

He's using the largest & most influential platform in the democratic world

Democracies can no longer ignore this.



Edward Luce

Associate Editor, Financial Times, US-based writer/columnist. Author The Retreat of Western Liberalism, In Spite of the Gods, Time to Start Thinking.


The same legacy media dingbats who lied repeatedly, claiming “X/Twitter is dying”, are now saying it’s the “largest & most influential platform” 🤣🤣🤣

Listen Ed, if you want to refute something, it is easy to do on this platform



Elon wrecked him.



Owned - 😂


Somebody called the sheriff, we just witnessed a murder. One shot, one kill.



Fatality 🥷

The Marxist politicians (many just unelected bureaucrats) are the ones that have been stoking racial conflict and civil breakdown - with active complicity from the media.

printing presses smashed and repurposed for the production of toilet paper

“Legacy paper” 🤌

To Western governments, the most heinous crimes of all are exposing and opposing government corruption and incompetence.



The people stoking racial conflict are the politicians

Elon has given all those voiceless victims a voice and a platform to draw the attention of the negligent politicians and their sprawling bureaucracies.



I don't agree

Immigration can go well or badly, depending on how the host society handles newcomers. Whipping up paranoia about immigrant groups, as Trump, and Musk, have done, and scapegoating them for violent crime,



Any comment on how the Democrat elite staged a coup on the democratically nominated candidate?


Biden __ 14 million primary votes. Kamala received none

Biden was ousted __ Kamala



We are in the midst of a deadly war between good and evil, a deadly war for the heart and soul of mankind

And they were all unleashed upon us by one __ man: Elon Musk.

Long live Kamala __ the Democratic party __ DEI



Now people are seeing more clearly what I was saying in 2022.


Indeed: you've been on this for a while. I have to a lesser extent


We do.



Musk’s Twitter Buy Makes No Sense – Unless It’s Part of Something Bigger’

Brexit and Trump were initially seen as jokes, but the new owner of the social media giant could pose a serious threat to democracy…

Beware Elon Musk’s warped libertarianism

The billionaire entrepreneur’s AI initiative is disturbing in light of his selective approach to political and civic freedoms…

Reveling in your sorry tears. Enjoying all of it.



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