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a mind forever voyaging

Aug 8, 13 tweets


America First Legal is SUING Maricopa County, AZ for refusing to take action to stop illegal aliens from voting.



AFL's executive director Gene Hamilton joined BreannaMorello to detail their lawsuit and attempts to clean the voter rolls.

Must-watch interview.

AFL Executive Director Gene Hamilton explains our tireless efforts to prevent illegal aliens from voting:



We just sued Maricopa County, AZ for refusing to remove illegal aliens from their voter rolls ahead of the election.

Maricopa officials are blatantly defying a state law



America First Legal Sues Maricopa County in Arizona for Refusing to Take Action to Stop Illegal Aliens from Voting


Lawsuit > Strong-Communities-v.-Maricopa-County

Case No. CV 2024-020835 > 05AUG24…

Proud for Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona to be part of this lawsuit.

As of July 1st, there are now over 42k registered voters who haven't proven their citizenship.

This puts the sanctity of our vote in jeopardy



🚨As of July 1st, there are now over 42k registered voters in Arizona who can't prove their citizenship status but can vote for the President, US Senate and Congressional races on the ballot



America First Legal sues Maricopa County recorder over not removing non-citizens from voter rolls

The lawsuit notes that the number of registered voters without proof of citizenship has jumped from 21,595 in April to 26,108 in July.


We just sued Maricopa County in Arizona to stop mass illegal alien voting.

AFL President StephenM explains:



“Noncitizen voting is an existential threat to American democracy.” 🔥🔥🔥

AFL President StephenM joined BennyJohnson to discuss our urgent lawsuit against Maricopa County to stop illegal aliens from voting



Illegal immigrants on voter rolls spurs watchdog group to sue Maricopa County

Lawsuit alleges more than 35,000 illegal aliens are registered voters in Maricopa County…

Group sues Arizona’s most populated county to boot non-citizens from voter rolls

A conservative group is suing the most populated county in Arizona to kick non-citizens off its voter rolls…

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