Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Aug 9, 7 tweets


the Washington Post appears to be taking out ads promoting the candidacy of Kamala Harris.



Yep, and look at what they do to the other side.



I mean, all of MSM is simping for Kamala at this point.

It isn't surprising.

They should stop pretending they're neutral and unbiased when they're working as hard as they can to establish communism here.



On this post. I can’t imagine how much they’re spending and this can’t be a profitable ad spend for them click-wise. Kamala doesn’t even need to run attack ads because the lapdog media is doing it for her.



An Ad on this thread

Another Ad on this thread

The ads are even showing up in the stream of responses to your reporting washingtonpost is running political ads.. with responses cut off, of course.



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