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Aug 10, 7 tweets

Australian Olympic breakdancer Rachael Gunn has a PhD in breakdancing and dance culture. “All my moves are original,” she told reporters after her performance.

It turns out Gunn is a grievance studies scholar. One of her research papers about break dancing becoming an Olympic Sport.

This is too much. In another one of Gunn’s papers she deconstructs breakdancing culture to challenge the fact she doesn’t practice very much & questions why she’s excluded from the art-form’s hierarchy of respect.

Gunn is part of a very powerful academic movement that is at war with the concept of meritocracy. Learn more.

In grievance studies ideology, social judgement of 'marginalised' people is considered 'oppression'. This provides some adherents with a rationalisation for liberating themselves from external standards - a kind of narcissistic psychological forcefield.



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