Alberto E. Martinez Profile picture
EVP of Public Affairs @targetedvictory Former Chief of Staff @marcorubio

Aug 11, 10 tweets

A far-left immigration activist – who advised British Labour - is advising Kamala Harris.

That should be big news, but it was buried in the very column it was reported.

Just the latest example of the unprecedented earned-media challenge facing the Trump Campaign. 🧵

The news that Frank Sharry, a tireless open borders advocate who has been around for decades, is advising Kamala Harris was actually buried in a column arguing Harris should follow Keir Starmer’s lead on immigration.

Here’s Frank Sharry cheering “It’s Ali Mayorkas!” as “an inspired choice” “the right person…to deliver on bold change.”

Here’s Sharry cheering again the Biden-Harris Executive Orders which would lead to the greatest migratory and illegal immigration crisis in American history.

When "Ali Mayorkas!" and the Biden-Harris executive orders unleashed human suffering on a biblical scale, Sharry waved it away and complained Biden-Harris were not doing more to open the borders wider and faster, dismissively "noting every president...has dealt with surges"

The article doesn’t spend anytime wondering what Sharry’s involvement in Harris’s campaign reveals about Harris’s immigration record and future policies. It does frame Republican common-sense immigration policy as “raw hostitlity to migrants.”

Instead of asking serious questions about Harris's record on immigration, the article basically advises Harris to follow British Labour's lead: talk tough about gangs to hide your record and your policies.

The article doesn't ask any questions of how Kamala Harris's "smash the gangs" messaging might run into problems giving Kamala Harris's actual record dealing with transnational gangs, human smuggling, and migrant abuse as Vice President.

By the way, Kamala Harris taking immigration counsel from Frank Sharry and British Labour should terrify every American. Here is @mjgoodwin on the current immigration reality in the UK - "mass immigration on steroids."

This is just one column in one publication, but it's revealing of an unprecedented earned-media challenge for the Trump Campaign. The media is not just suppressing any critical examination of Kamala's record, they're active participants in distorting it.

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