Spokes CycleCampaign Profile picture
Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign: fighting for better conditions for everyday journeys by bike, particularly in Edinburgh & Lothian. Also lobby Scottish Govt.

Aug 15, 11 tweets

#Edinwebcast Transpt Cttee today 15.8.24



- #BusLanes 7-7-7 & #PrivateHireCars
- #MeadowsToCanal another consultn?
- #StJames pedestrian area - allowing vehicles?
- #BikeHire - report postponed
& more... edinburgh.public-i.tv/core/portal/we…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 #Edinwebcast #BusLanes trial

👍7-7-7 timings
👎allowing #PrivateHireCar access

Superb @EdinburghBUG deputn

+ he references Spokes deputn re🚲impacts

Q Cllr @DAstonSNP asks if citywide 7-7-7 would be best
A YES! democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s730…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP #Edinwebcast #MeadowsToCanal

More pre-TRO consultn proposed as plans changed significantly

@CllrChasBooth amendt seeking to consult only via the TRO [edited to include businesses consultn]

😳The original consultn was 10 years ago

👍Amendment agreed ! democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s730…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth #Edinwebcast #StJamesCentre

Proposal to formalise #PedestrianZone motor access

👍@EdinburghLabour amendt to retain🚶‍♀️zone passed 9-2 supported by @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens
but @EdinburghTories against

🤔But legal challenge likely? democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s730…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP #Edinwebcast #ControlledParking

@CllrChasBooth says should include wider policy/ liveability/ climate contexts not just parking pressure
e.g. #CityMobilityPlan supports use of charging &
space reduction

@CllrWhyte seeks wider context to avoid knock-on impacts

👍amendts agreed

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP @CllrWhyte @TransformScot #Edinwebcast

#PolwarthGardens roundabout
~£100K approved to replace the rbt

Q: #CllrMunro concerned💰recently spent on resurfacing
A: Design (incl. traffic lights or not) is still to be developed; resurfacing was needed

NB @MerchistonCC proposals--> merchistoncc.org.uk/projects/the-p…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP @CllrWhyte @TransformScot @MerchistonCC @LaidBackBikes #Edinwebcast #BusLanes


Deputns info->

Q: Cllr @DAstonSNP Why one 7-7-7 corridor only?
A: Costs/complexity of city-wide trial

Q: @CllrChasBooth Can hours change during trial?
A: Yes, could extend or lessen if data suggests democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s730…

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP @CllrWhyte @TransformScot @MerchistonCC @LaidBackBikes #Edinwebcast #BusLanes

Include #PrivateHireCars in the trial?

@DrScottArthurMP: would add to🚌congestion, incl #PrincesStreet
Bus regularity vital to maintain excellent @on_lothianbuses service

Cllr @KatrinaFaccenda emphasises rapid reliable🚌

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP @CllrWhyte @TransformScot @MerchistonCC @LaidBackBikes @on_lothianbuses @KatrinaFaccenda #Edinwebcast #BusLanes

@CllrChasBooth delighted 7-7-7 experiment at last, years overdue
but concerned that report omits all🚲aspects

Cllr @kevin_lang says no evidence to change longstanding #PrivateHireCars policy

👍9-2 Lab/SNP/Lib/Green v Con
for 7-7-7 trial but no PHCs

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth @EdinburghLabour @EdinburghSNP @EdinburghLibDem @EdinburghGreens @EdinburghTories @LivingStreetsEd @StreetWurrier @theSpurtle @marklazarowicz @kevin_lang @SanneDD @DrScottArthurMP @CllrWhyte @TransformScot @MerchistonCC @LaidBackBikes @on_lothianbuses @KatrinaFaccenda ⬆️Our thread from #Transport Cttee 15.8.24 #edinwebcast

Cllr @DrScottArthurMP confirms it's his last Cttee
👍He's been an excellent - consensual - chair

Thread includes:
👍#Buslanes 7-7-7 trial without PHCs
👍#StJames retains pedestrian area
👍Faster #Meadows-#Canal consultn

@CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @EdinReporter @EdCriticalMass @SpokesPorty @Cyclesouthedin @best_edinburgh @Algorhythmica1 @AvGeekAlex @johnrobson87 @EdinburghBUG @DAstonSNP @CllrChasBooth #ConsultationDelays

👍Valuable potential precedent agreed at @Edinburgh_CC #Transport Cttee

👍Thanks @CllrChasBooth/@KayleighFONeill for your amendment

Hopefully reduces delays/costs of duplicate consultns, by recognising the first stage of a TRO process is itself a consultn

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