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Just a nerd in Calgary who likes playing volleyball. Purveyor of video clips (mostly politics). In case Twitter breaks, Mastodon: @disordered@mstdn.ca (he/him)

Aug 18, 15 tweets

If you're making a video about the Canada "we know and love", maybe you shouldn't be using pictures of Utah's rockies, or the "foothills" of Indonesia?

🧵Here's a my thread of all the clips I have confirmed to NOT be Canadian.
#cdnpoli #canpoli

The elementary classroom was filmed in Serbia.

2/ gettyimages.ca/detail/video/y…

Apparently there's nothing more Canadian than driving a pickup truck through an AMERICAN SUBURB.🤦

3/ pond5.com/stock-footage/…

Newly built Canadian home in Slovenia?

How much is shipping going to cost?🤣

4/ gettyimages.in/detail/video/f…

The Canadian countryside of North Dakota USA?

5/ pond5.com/stock-footage/…

Pretty sure Canadian cattle don't graze in California.

6/ istockphoto.com/video/lens-fla…

I know Canada took in a lot of Ukrainian refugees, but I didn't know we took entire campus buildings from Kyiv Polytechnic, Ukraine into Canada.🙄

Also, umm, did they use "Young handsome Caucasian" in their stock video search?

/7 stock.adobe.com/video/portrait…

The female hunter with "Canadian firearms" was filmed somewhere in the USA.

/8 pond5.com/stock-footage/…

Grandma and Grandpa are seen here in Richmond Park, London, England.

It's going to be a long trip home!

/9 gettyimages.ae/detail/video/g…

The great Canadian Foothills of Wonosobo, Indonesia?🤦

/10 shutterstock.com/video/clip-104…

If you can't figure out which Rocky Mountain range in Canada this is, you wouldn't be the only one.

That's because this is the Northern Utah's Uinta Mountains.

Like really? You couldn't find a clip of the Canadian Rockies?

/11 gettyimages.ca/detail/video/u…

There's a lot of other clips that are definitely not from Canada, but couldn't confirm an actual location for them, so I left it out of my thread.

Again, if you're making a video about the Canada "we know and love", you should be using actual Canadian footage.

Family get-together confirmed to be Tuscany, Italy!

I guess it is possible for the student to fly from Ukraine to Italy on the same day & make it in time for some wine to celebrate sobriety!

Credit to @AMCinHogtown for the solve!

I figured out another one! I found HOME!!!

It's in Venezuela!🤦

Everyone start packing your bags for the trip home!


So the guy looking at the tractor hauling hay bales and wondering why they didn't choose his stock photo from the same set with an actual combine, is in Ukraine.


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