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a mind forever voyaging

Aug 21, 7 tweets


CNN brutally fact checks Tim Walz for LYING about DUI arrest as 'mixup' due to hearing damage from military service.



"Walz was speeding 96 mph in a 55 zone... he failed a field sobriety test. His blood test was 0.128! He admitted in court that he had been drinking."

"NONE of what Walz said was true!"

Tim Walz is a liar. When he ran for Congress he lied to voters claiming he wasn't drunk when he was arrested and jailed for DUI - he claims he couldn't hear the officer because of his hearing loss suffered during combat in Afghanistan.



Kamala Harris Picks Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as VP.

He was going 96 in a 55 with blood alcohol level 0.128! He lied to police about being deaf in an attempt to avoid arrest.



Court transcript sheds new light on Walz’s DUI arrest [11OCT22]

Walz had a blood alcohol concentration of .128 at the time of the incident, according to a court transcript.


Deafness a factor in 1995 Walz arrest [07SEP06]

Candidate's campaign manager speaks about drunken driving charges


Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drunk driving in 1995 [15AUG24]


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