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Grateful American. 🇺🇸 Calling out liars, grifters & scammers to warn innocent marks. Exec Producer. Legal journalist. Thanks #LukeCrew! #RandomActsOfKindness

Aug 30, 19 tweets

🧵💸 #LukeCrew analysis: Mike Lindell is at it again, hyping #FrankSpeech going PUBLIC—through a reverse merger with a shaky penny stock that’s tangled with the SEC. Naturally, they botched the ticker symbol in the announcement & had to issue a correction. $INCT $FSBN $INCTD

Mike Lindell has been plotting $FSBN for a while... back in July, a "Supplemental Information Disclosure to Report Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation" was filed by InCapta, Inc. to change the company's name to FrankSpeech Network, Inc.…

New $FSBN Executive Team:
Mike Lindell - Chief Executive Officer
Joe Oltmann - Chief Operating Officer
Gregory Martin - President
Todd Carter - Chief Technology Officer
Josh Shave - Chief Marketing Officer
Ean Martin - Chief Financial Officer
Jared Cowart - Chief Engineer Officer

🚨 $FSBN's new post-merger lineup: Gregory Martin as President, Ean Martin as CFO, Mike Lindell as CEO, and Joe Oltmann as COO. Will Mike and Joe navigate SEC regulations and compliance smoothly, or have they already stumbled?

🚨 InCapta, Inc. has had SEC issues: filing delays, financial inaccuracies, and disclosure non-compliance. Now, with Mike Lindell and Joe Oltmann involved through FrankSpeech Broadcast Systems ($FSBS), this investment seems highly risky with serious potential downsides. 🚩

Q: "What is all this? What is Mike Lindell doing?" A: Lindell is executing a "reverse merger" with InCapta, Inc. (OTC Pink: $INCT, now $INCTD for the merger). In 20 days, it will become $FSBN (FrankSpeech Broadcast Network) on .

Let's take a look at InCapta, Inc., Mike Lindell's new merger partner. $INCT is an OTC (over-the-counter) pink (aka penny) stock with limited financial transparency and volatile price fluctuations. For the quarter ending June 30, 2024, the Company recorded revenue of $37,664.

As of 6/20/24 Mike Lindell's merger partner $INCT reported a net loss of $26,892 & an accumulated deficit of $141,192,467. With 2 years of losses & existing debt obligations, they stated significant doubt about their ability to continue as a going concern.…

Balance Sheet and Operations of Mike Lindell's new $FSBN reverse merger partner, InCapta, Inc (OTC Pink: $INCT) in their Quarterly Report For the period ending 06/30/2024 (the “Reporting Period”) at:…

Wasn't looking good for (OTC Pink: INCT) with $38K in quarterly revenue, but along came America's Dumbest Mark™, Mike Lindell. It appears Lindell and his new COO Joe Oltmann have ZERO experience with public companies (MyPillow is private). They must comply with strict SEC rules:

$FSBN $INCTD: In their Supplemental Information Disclosure, InCapta revealed there are now 300M shares of Common Stock and 10M shares of Preferred Stock. 3.7M are Series A Preferred Stock with 10X voting & conversion rights.…

Mike Lindell sent this email solicitation for FrankSpeech Broadcast Network $FSBN with the correct intermediate ticker $INCTD at the top but the wrong ticker at the bottom & had to issue a correction email. NEITHER HAD SAFE HARBOR STATEMENTS. @SEC_Enforcement

Mike Lindell's FrankSpeech Broadcast Network $FSBN landing page induces buying shares of $INCTD, but also has NO SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT. @SEC_Enforcement @SECEnfDirector

On Mike Lindell's new $FSBN $INCTD website, you must scroll to the bottom of the page to NEWS, select one of the stories, and click to see the SAFE HARBOR investor warning. Great job, COO Joe Oltmann. @SECEnfDirector…

August 28, 2024: InCapta, Inc. (OTC PINK: $INCT) announced FINRA processed its corporate actions, including a name change to FrankSpeech Network, Inc. The company has also executed a 1-for-50,000 reverse stock split, rounding fractional shares up. Includes Cautionary Statement.⚠️

🚨 Mike Lindell hyped "Own a Part of FrankSpeech–Now a Publicly Traded Company!" via email with no SAFE HARBOR WARNING. 500 $INCTD shares sold at $7.99. Previously 513 shares sold at $2.92. Today, a 23.8K bloc at $1.76. Clueless investors. @SECEnfDirector

🚩 #CaveatEmptor! $FSBN’s investment risks are heightened by Mike Lindell’s legal and financial troubles. Issues like fund co-mingling, regulatory scrutiny, and reputational harm make $INCTD & $FSBN highly speculative. Investors should be very cautious! 🚨

📊 My exclusive reporting is based on my research and views only. It’s not legal or financial advice and shouldn’t replace professional advice tailored to your specific situation. ⚠️ If you enjoy my reporting, you can support me by buying a coffee☕ here —…

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