The Cause of, and Solution to, Human Evil … the Prenatal Matrices of Evil.
Get your free copy of “Psychology of Apocalypse”
Michael Adzema's thought-provoking book, "Psychology of Apocalypse: Ecopsychology, Activism, and the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide," reveals how prenatal experiences shape human behavior, influencing perceptions, behaviors, and sociocultural dynamics significantly.
Prenatal imprints of discomfort manifest in personal interactions, leading to misogyny, bigotry, violence, and political divisions.
Uncomfortable late-stage womb experiences imprint lasting effects, contributing as well, to pressing societal issues like culture war, fascism, pollution, and wars between nations, while also influencing cultural behaviors like racism and intolerance.
The author argues that human nature is significantly influenced by the discomfort and pain experienced in the womb, giving rise to emotions of claustrophobia, entrapment, and deprivation.
He categorizes these prenatal feeling complexes into four main types - crowded, suffocated, disgusted, and irritated - which play a pivotal role in shaping human nature and actions.
These early imprints shape human behavior, societal structures, environmental attitudes, and interpersonal relationships, ultimately contributing to societal issues like violence, bigotry, and pollution.
The book delves into the profound concept that prenatal suffering serves as the foundational cause of human evil, itself, manifesting in behaviors such as greed, war, torture, and pollution.
On the upside, Adzema's work reveals the author's activist experience, calling out the profound impact of activism, and he issues an urgent and personal appeal to avert potential global devastation due to environmental threats.
Perinatal dynamics, arising particularly among Baby Boomers, positively influenced movements against war, pollution, and overpopulation.
The contrasting generational responses to perinatal pain, the importance of resolving unconscious conflicts, and the impact of early experiences on beliefs and actions are highlighted.
Therapeutic strategies like primal therapy and holotropic breathwork are explored to address birth traumas and societal aggression.
Furthermore, the book explores the symbolic representations of enclosed spaces as reflections of the womb, emphasizing how early traumas significantly influence our perceptions and decision-making processes.
The book delves into ancient mythology, contrasting figures like Athena and Medusa to illustrate patriarchal norms and societal expectations imposed on women.
It explores the concept of facing evil with nonviolence and humor, the perinatal themes in popular culture, and the necessity of surrendering to higher forces.
The importance of integrating the Divine Feminine for spiritual growth and societal change is discussed, along with the emergence of a primal renaissance offering hope for a more cooperative future.
Get your free copy for a deep understanding of what is going on and what you, and we together, can do about it.
Not only to survive, but to become the evolved humans the Earth and its planetmates require of us in this moment.
Click this link if you want more information on the book and/or you want to see the other ways the book can be acquired for free, as well as purchased:
Click the link below if you want to go directly to Amazon and get it, while it happens to be free, or any other time.
Between August 26th and 30th and December 2nd thru 6th, click link, above, for free kindle copy.
At Amazon, on the right side, see Kindle Price $0.00,
click “Buy now…” It’s yours.
Enjoy with my compliments.
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