Chris Brunet Profile picture
washed up economist, tips:

Aug 31, 9 tweets

It's official: Canadians who support increasing immigration levels are in the *extreme* minority.

New polling from @leger360 reveals 65% of Canadians believe there are "too many" immigrants.

Only 3% say "not enough."


Breaking this down by region, age, and gender.... the consensus is strong across the board.

Men and women largely agree, as does every province. Seniors are just slightly more inclined to agree than younger generations.

Rural voters are more likely to oppose immigration than urban or suburban voters.

.@theJagmeetSingh's @NDP is the only party whose voters don't overwhelmingly think immigration levels are too high.

In contrast, @PierrePoilievre's @CPC_HQ voters are most likely to believe immigration is too high, followed closely by @MaximeBernier's @peoplespca.

It's important to note that the small sample size for PPC voters (just 38) in this poll is almost certainly skewing the results—in reality, the PPC is solidly to the right of the CPC.

78% of Canadians agree that ''Current immigration rates are contributing to the housing availability and affordability crisis''

76% agree that ''Current immigration rates are contributing to stresses on health care services''

72% agree that ''Canada's immigration policy is too generous''

a mere 26% agree that ''The Canadian government does a good and thorough job checking the background of immigrants coming to Canada''

41% of Canadians support taking in more Gazan refugees.

43% of Canadians oppose taking in more Gazan refugees

30% of Canadians agree that ''Canadian companies should continue to be allowed to use the TFW program to bring in low wage/low-skill employees''

53% disagree

I found the data from @valdombre:

@valdombre i write about immigration in Canada

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