New week is here #MilkTeaAlliance so time for our upcoming events🧵
Yesterday HKers & allies across the world marked the 831 attack. Pics of London & Birmingham
& in Hong Kong itself some attempted to also mark the day. Read more from @RazvenHK
There are 10 events in the calendar for this week. 1 more 8.31 commemoration, 1 protest, 3 talks/panels, 2 film events, 1 festival & 1 exhibition.
All details can be found in the calendar here:
Later today...
@USHKersClub hold 8.31 Memorial day Commemoration. In California. 今年,831事件已經到第五年,但事件還沒平反!Details:
@USHKersClub Mon:
Thai Allies will mark 112 days since the death of Bung with event “112 days, Bung still hasn’t received justice" with panel discussion & music. At All rise building.
Last day of Vancouver: Taiwan Fest! w/ @TaiwanFest
weareallchainedwomen (Chinese feminist group in UK) hold "My life is not your Porn" protest in solidarity with Korean women & girls fighting against Spy Cams, Deepfakes & Misogynistic violence! Details:
#딥페이크_엄벌하라 #학교_내_디지털성범죄
@Altsean @CrCF_Thailand & more hold panel "Justice has no boundary: Transnational repression amongst Burmese Refugees in Thailand" w/ @DebbieStot
@nolkannavee krittaporn semsantad & Pim Koetsawang.
At @FCCThai
@OHCHRAsia @CrCF_Thailand @Altsean & more host “And You Will Be Safe at Your Destination: Ending Enforced Disappearances & Addressing Transnational Suppression” a day to learn more about the issue & how to tackle it.
@newbloommag host talk "Hong Kongers at the Intersection of Refugees and Taiwanese National Security" w/ Annie Huang 黃尚卿 discussing the situation of Hong Kongese Refugees Following the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
@hkladyliberty host screenings of "Love in the time of Revolution" In Tokyo & Kyoto. w/ talks from
@tomoko_ako @uryuhirano & more
@ProtectRohingya hold "Rohingya Genocide Commemoration Exhibition"
@HKOnScreen's "The 2nd Hong Kong on Screen film festival"
And that's all the events we have for now.
Thanks to those who have sent us events to highlight, we will be adding some of the Mekong-ASEAN Environmental week events over the next few days so stay tuned.
Some additional highlights.
Read a statement from Korean feminists whose Hashtag campaign today against Deepfake abuse & Misogyny trended globally, here:
Keep up the pressure!
Then @MattersMohinga's Freedom Memoirs Vol. 4, Issue 8 is out & well worth a read.
@MIC_Journal also recently released their lastest with some great pieces from @yangyang_cheng @dtbyler
@chenchenzh & more
@MattersMohinga @MIC_Journal @yangyang_cheng @dtbyler @chenchenzh We fight for those we love, we fight for our friends, we fight so that there is a time when we don't live in fear of waking up to a friend dead or arrested. Sure we fight for 'freedom' 'rights' 'democracy' but fundamentally we fight so that no more will suffer. #MilkTeaAlliance
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