Dustin Grage Profile picture
Minnesota GOP Hype Man | Columnist @Townhallcom | Husband. Father of two. Memento Mori.

Sep 5, 14 tweets

Tim Walz’s connections to the radical Chinese Communist Party continue.

Here I have a recently recovered photo of Commissioner Ida Rukavina’s home.

She is the Walz appointee to the IRRRB, which oversees the largest untapped copper-nickel reserve in the world. 🧵1/

Over 8 Billion tons of copper, nickel, & other precious metals are located in The Duluth Complex of Northern Minnesota.

Which makes these photos troubling considering America’s only copper-nickel mining is located in the Upper Peninsula. 46% of the market is in China. 🧵2/

This first photo is a Mao Zedong propaganda poster. Translated it states:

“Revolution is not guilty.”

Anywhere from 40 to 80 Million victims died due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions under Mao’s rule. 🧵3/

Next we have a poster of Che Guevara in addition to the book “Che” by John Lee Anderson.

Approximately 500 men were killed under Che by interrogation, torture, and execution of political prisoners.


“A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”


Having a shrine to these two individuals is concerning, but when you consider Tim Walz’s history with China, it’s magnified.

Why would Tim Walz appoint a woman with a shrine to Mao and Che?

Someone who oversees America’s most critical resources to our National Security.


Tim Walz has visited China over 30 times, honeymooned there, and even shares wedding anniversary with the tiananmen square massacre.

His fellow classmate who took this photo in China describes Walz as “Maoist to the core.”


Now enter Kamala Harris, whose Administration revoked Twin Metals leases to potentially mine the largest reserves of copper-nickel in the world.

China with the most to lose if this were to come to fruition.

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When the Trump Administration approved Twin Metals new lease on copper-nickel mining.

Walz opposed it.

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If you are not following @kylenabecker, I recommend doing so.

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@kylenabecker Tim Walz also pushed for a bias registry, probably something he picked up in the CCP.

What could have gotten you on this bias registry?

Claiming that COVID was made in a lab in Wuhan, China. 🧵 11/

Here is the floor debate:

@kylenabecker Republicans proposed a ban on sourcing materials with slavery operations.

Democrats rejected the amendment & Tim Walz signed energy mandates that would force reliance on child slavery and China over highly skilled union workers here in Minnesota.


@kylenabecker Just last year the FBI uncovered illegal Chinese police stations here in the U.S.

4 of 7 were located in Minnesota, California, & Nebraska.

The home states of Harris & Walz.

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Here is @lizcollin reporting. 🧵14/

Minnesotan from communist China sounds alarm on Tim Walz:

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