Nilay Mallick🇧🇩🕉️ Profile picture
Pseudonym | Bangladeshi Hindu | Spreading the voice of 1.6 crore Bangladeshi Hindus that the media won't show you

Sep 5, 2024, 11 tweets


A Thread 🧵🧵

Last night a boy named Tahmid Al Mohtada made Facebook post with derogatory comments about Hindus saying they drink cow urine eat cow dung & insult deities. In response a hindu boy named Utsab started arguing

saying things like "Your prophet's father and grandfather were Hindu & Jewish." They got into an argument. Later, Tahmid deleted all his own comments and took screenshots of Utsab's comments, sharing them in various groups including their madrasa.

He was taken into police custody for this offense, where he was sitting with his parents.

There, he is questioned about this in front of the police and the army. The present Muslims are saying, 'The police cannot save you.

Within a few moments, several hundred other people came and killed him in a mob beating in front of the Police and Army.

After extremist Muslim jihadis brutally beat and killed him, celebrating the victory. They are openly chanting 'Allahu Akbar'." & prodly saying we finished him.

Then an announcement was made over the mosque: 'The one who insulted our Prophet has died; now everyone can go home and leave the area’

That "Ahasan Hauque Osaman" is celebrating victory by posting on Facebook, feeling very proud to be able to do such a thing.

Not a single Muslim has condemned this on social media; instead, everyone is saying 'Alhamdulillah' in unison

death scene post has been can see it here:

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