Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Sep 5, 34 tweets


"Knock it off." - Says FBI Director Christopher Wray to foreign adversaries meddling in American democracy.



Justice Department Disrupts Covert Russian Government-Sponsored Foreign Malign Influence Operation Targeting Audiences in the United States and Elsewhere



[pdf justice gov 04SEP24]


Two RT Employees Indicted for Covertly Funding and Directing U.S. Company that Published Thousands of Videos in Furtherance of Russian Interests



[pdf justice gov]


Today, @USTreasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned 10 individuals and 2 entities in response to Russian influence targeting the 2024 presidential election.



@USTreasury Treasury Takes Action as Part of a U.S. Government Response to Russia’s Foreign Malign Influence Operations

defend and protect U.S. election institutions

from Moscow’s attempts to influence the 2024 Presidential Election


@USTreasury Treasurys OFAC sanctioned Russia's RT media today.
Any American interacting with RT, paid by RT, paying RT (e.g. advertising) is subject to US prosecution.



@USTreasury The actions by the Department of the Treasury in levying new sanctions against RT, Sputnik, and other Russian media organizations has made it impossible for me to continue my work as an outside contributor for RT and Sputnik



@USTreasury Scott Ritter

Former UN Weapons Inspector, former USMC Intelligence Officer, author, analyst.


@USTreasury @RealScottRitter Scott Ritter

due to new US sanctions he would end cooperation with RT and Sputnik.

It was previously reported that Ritter was being monitored by the FBI and searches were being conducted at his home.



@USTreasury @RealScottRitter FBI cracking down on US citizens linked to Russian media – NYT

The agency is targeting people who could allegedly influence the US presidential election in Moscow’s favor, sources have said


US trying to ‘cleanse’ media space of ‘inconvenient truth’ – Moscow

New sanctions confirm Washington’s Russophobic stance, Ambassador Anatoly Antonov has said


Scott Ritter forced to end cooperation with RT

The former UN weapons inspector commented after Washington imposed restrictions on Russian media


Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said a response to the new sanctions was "being prepared," adding that it would make "everyone shudder."



Moscow Says RT Sanctions Part of Pre-Election 'Information Campaign'


The FBI interfered in the 2016 election __ the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

The FBI interfered in the 2020 election by hiding that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.

Director Wray says it won't happen again in 2024



A DOJ indictment suggests that Lauren Chen is an alleged Russian agent who is said to have accepted upwards of $10 million to start Tenet Media & push divisive political rhetoric / Russian propaganda in the US



Chen has encouraged Republicans to withhold their vote for Trump for not being “conservative” and “pro-life” enough

She has stated that Trump has abandoned “Christian conservatives” for the “Enriques and Jamals” (seriously)

Lauren Chen however appears to have been given direct instructions on content from “the Russians”

She has focused almost entirely on bashing Trump to be more “conservative”

the previous post starts this thread


have been contacted by the FBI as a potential victim of a crime

The FBI believes I have information relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation and have requested a voluntary interview

I will be offering my assistance in this matter



A statement on the leaked DOJ indictment today:

We are disturbed by the allegations in today’s indictment, which make clear that myself and other influencers were victims in this alleged scheme.



I’ve been saying for the past several months that I sniffed a paid foreign influence op being run among certain “conservatives.” Designed to hurt Trump in November.

Today’s announcement lines up with my instincts.



The influencers at Tenet Media such as Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Lauren Southern are VICTIMS according to the DOJ indictments



The US Department of Justice alleges that Tenet Media, which has Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin on its roster, received $10 million from the Russian government

[post 4 of this thread is the article linked]



Statement on the DOJ indictment:

These allegations clearly show that I and other commentators were the victims of this scheme.

I knew absolutely nothing about any of this fraudulent activity.



These were not “MAGA Republicans”


A company with a number of HUGE MAGA Republican creators allegedly got $10 million from the Russian government to spread Russian propaganda.



Putin must not want Trump elected


He did pretty much say that



1st article from stclairashley's post

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump but criticizes current US policy


2nd article from stclairashley's post

Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency

“He is a more experienced, predictable person, an old-school politician,” the Russian leader said in an interview Wednesday.


Even by the standards of Russia, Russia, Russia hoaxes, the Tenet Media/Lauren Chen case makes no sense



See how they use Trump as the cover photo for this Russia story to imply influencers were paid to support him?



Interesting image choice when Lauren Chen was actively subverting Trump by telling people she was "done" and couldn't support him anymore.



This is the 3rd straight presidential election the left has meddled in.

This isn't about foreign interference by Russia. This is a smokescreen for election interference by our deep state and the Democrat party.



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