Tom Hegel Profile picture
Technical and Strategic Threat Intelligence, Principal Threat Researcher with SentinelLabs / @SentinelOne, Advisor with @ValidinLLC

Sep 5, 9 tweets

Can't help myself.. Taking a look into some of these 32 domains sheds light on a few unmentioned Doppelganger domains still active and personas posting on Twitter. Quick 🧵

Twitter Account: @lebelligerant
Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Translated Main Article.
Image 3 - Fresh tweets.
Note: The webmail subdomain mistakenly uses the 50statesoflie[.]media domain content, which was listed in the Doppelgange raffidavit.

Twitter Account: @Intrvntnst
Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Translated Main Article.
Image 3 - Fresh tweets.
Note: Same as above, multiple subdomains. First active around one month ago.

Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Subdomain https.
Note: Interesting content theme, broken subdomain content. No indication its a legitimate (compromised) website.

Twitter: @KaputteAmpel
Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Featured article content (translated).
Image 3 - Twitter.

Twitter: @Rattenfangernet
Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Main article (some, translated).
image 3 - Tweets.
Note: Lots of AI images on this one, plus heavy video use.

Image 1/2 - Socials
Image 3 - Homepage
Note: No Twitter but an Instagram and Pinterest links 🤔…

Image 1 - Homepage.
Image 2 - Featured US/Ukraine article (translated).
Note: Fits into the Ukraine Domains cluster in the affidavit.

To wrap this up, the most odd..
ukraine-inc[.]com (not the .info listed in affidavit).

Features a multi episode cartoon series, and a 'hit' or 'Catch' @ZelenskyyUa game. 🤦‍♂️

/end of Doppleganger thread.

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