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Sep 6, 19 tweets

Trump is ranting in NYC after appealing his defamation verdict against a woman a jury determined he had sexually assaulted

Trump claims he has never met E Jean Carroll despite there is a photograph of them together

Trump is attacking E Jean Carroll and suggesting she's lying in accusing Trump of sexually assaulting her

Trump admits he met E Jean Carroll but says "I don't think that counts."

"I never touched her. I would've had no interest in meeting her in any way, shape, or form," he adds.

He goes on to point out that Carroll's ex-husband is "African American"

Trump on E Jean Carroll: "She made up a story. Fabricated 100 percent, that I attacked her ... her favorite show is Law & Order. And there's almost an exact story as her story in Law & Order about being attacked in the dressing room of a department store."

Trump brings up another woman who has accused him of sexual assault, describes the incident in detail, and says "she would not have been the chosen one."

(Watch the expressions on his lawyers' faces)

'This woman, whatever her name is" -- Trump is now bringing up additional women who have accused him of sexual assault and detailing the accusations

"It's very funny. When you're rich and famous, you get a lot of people come up with a lot of stories" -- Trump, an adjudicated rapist, on the roughly two dozen sexual assault allegations against him

Trump suggests that a photo of him and E Jean Carroll together "could've been AI generated" (it is not AI generated)

Trump, with his lawyers flanking him, says "I'm disappointed in my legal talent, to be honest with you"

Trump blatantly lies about what E Jean Carroll said during her interview with Anderson Cooper

Trump: "If you look at the, uh, Nate Silver -- very respected guy, I don't know him -- but he has me up by a lot."

After Trump's disgustingly misogynistic and gross rant, Alina Habba takes the mic and tries to do cleanup by speaking to "the American women"

we're back to this nonsense again

Trump on E Jean Carroll: "Somebody just makes up a story probably out of Law & Order -- I don't know, she made it up out of somewhere -- but check out the Law & Order episode that we're talking about."

quite the pivot at the end of this clip

Trump on next Tuesday's debate: "I'm going into very hostile territory on a debate with ABC George Slopodopolous and that group."

Trump ends his trainwreck of a news conference: "It's a hoax. It's a scam, it's a political witch hunt. And some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Thank you very much, everybody."

That was one of the craziest news conferences I've ever seen. If you appreciate me watching Trump so you don't have to, please support what I do by signing up for my newsletter. I think you'll enjoy PN and paid subscribers make my work possible. Thx. publicnotice.co/subscribe

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