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Minnesota GOP hype man | Columnist @Townhallcom | Political analysis, research, news clipper | 𝕏 is the new media | Husband, father, Memento Mori.

Sep 7, 2024, 10 tweets

Tim Walz has been subpoenaed in the House investigation into Feeding Our Future: The largest non-profit COVID fraud scheme in America.

Tonight I have a thread in regard to one of the law firms that represented Feeding Our Future. Hylden Law is also a max donor to Walz. 🧵1/

Here we have Charitable Organization Annual Report Form for Feeding Our Future.

Listed as the law firm and attorney is Nancy Hylden of Hylden Law.

Listed as the contact for Feeding Our Future is Aimee Bock, the mastermind behind the fraud scheme.🧵2/

Fast forward to September of 2022 we can see attorney’s Kenneth Udoibok & Nancy Hylden accompanying their client, Aimee Bock.

Bock had received notification that she was being indicted & had to turn herself in. 🧵3/

Here in January of 2022 we can see also see attorneys Kenneth Udoibok and Nancy Hylden accompanying their client, Aimee Bock.

As reported by the Star Tribune. 🧵4/

It’s clear that overtime Hylden Law has been associated with Feeding Our Future over the years.

Starting as early as September of 2019 through September of 2022. All during the time the fraud had been committed. 🧵5/

Now none of this is new, but what has recently alerted me back to this:

Hylden’s donations to Tim Walz’s are no longer searchable under the Minnesota Campaign Finance Search tool.

In fact there are no donations to Walz under anyone with the name Hylden. 🧵6/

Thankfully I was able to recover the donations from the raw PDF reports to Walz’s Campaign. I’ve stitched them into one page:

Hylden contributed the max amount in 2019, 2021, & 2023. Falling $100 short of the limit in 2018.

All max limits occurred after FOF was established.🧵7/

So now begs the question.

Why can’t we find these donations to Tim Walz when searching under Hylden’s name?

We used to be able to find them through the search tool, but why not anymore?


Now this could just be a simply glitch in the system, but I find it extremely convenient that it’s only difficult to find donations Walz.

Hylden also was with Walz the night before he was announced as Kamala’s running mate and is supporting the Harris-Walz ticket. 🧵9/

I meant to add this in as well, but for some reason didn’t make the thread.

Good catch by @LibertyUSA37.

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