Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Sep 7, 22 tweets



TENET Media has ended after the DOJ indictment



These allegations come as a complete shock to me and the other hosts at TENET Media.

I’ve had complete freedom to cover what I choose at TENET unlike any other Media company I’ve ever worked for



Anyone that knows Lauren & Liam Chen know that they love America. They’ve been wonderful to my family and I— allowing me to report on the truth instead of censoring certain topics like other “conservative” outlets do.



Wikipedia > Tenet Media


A Special Stream on the Tenet Media Controversy & Indictment w Frank from Quite Frankly


Matt Christiansen [04SEP24]…

At no point has anyone ever directed me what to say or not to say, and I would never agree to anything otherwise.

My videos and streams for Tenet are exactly the same as my videos and streams on my personal channels.



Andddd I just got permanently banned from YouTube.



[Show your love to Tayler Hansen. I included a link.]

Permanently banned on YouTube with no explanation…

Are they going to stop with me or do they have an axe to grind with anyone that was affiliated with TENET at all?


This is 100% targeted and no explanation has been given despite the DOJ Indictment explicitly stating that show hosts and reporters were VICTIMS if the allegations turn out to be true.

Are they going to purge everyone?



These are the profiles of 6 people who have done some business at Tenet Media.

They are now targets of the establishment. The crime is not specified, but the idea is there will be a brutal sentence.

Was this a trap?

This investigation started in 2022. Look at the media.


Check out Russia Russia 2024 beginning at 04SEP24f


Lauren Southern has no reaction at this time.

I have posted the reactions of others in this thread and 04SEP24f above 🔼

A deleted post from Timcast in 2 places

No record found this 🔽



[I found a replacement post for the Timcast deleted post.]

My statement regarding allegations and the DOJ Indictment


corrected because I didnt know this was an official DOJ release



So apparently, Russia interfered in our election to help Trump by paying American conservative influencers to make posts telling their viewers not to vote for Trump

Yeah, that doesn't add up.



I Knew Something Was Up with #TenetMedia



I knew something was up with Tenet Media. Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First

Sebastian and the AMERICA First team open the second hour with a discussion about the scandal surrounding Tenet Media, which has been outed as a Russian shell company.…

Finally read the full indictment involving Tenet Media. The most important point that no one seems to talk about.

they just collected all of your data and communications.

Welcome to the surveillance state.



Every time they’ve alleged “pro-Trump Russian election interference,” it’s actually been Democrat-led U.S. election interference laundered through allegations against Russia.



The Steele Dossier in 2016. The Hunter Biden laptop in 2020. So now when we hear Biden’s DOJ prosecute “Russian election interference” in 2024, stay skeptical: there may be a LOT more to the story. That’s not conspiracism, it’s pattern recognition.

Trump: “The DOJ is behind everything—every one of these cases. It’s political interference; it’s a witch-hunt, just like the fake Russia, Russia, Russia scam was a witch-hunt, and just like they want to start that scam all over again.”


Russian interference in 2016 > proven false
Russian interference in 2020 > proven false
Russian interference in 2024

1 Presidential Election time
2 Advantage to the Democrats
3 proven false 1st and 2nd time

3rd time ?? > wait for it, well after the election

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