Dustin Grage Profile picture
Minnesota GOP Hype Man | Columnist @Townhallcom | Husband. Father of two. Memento Mori.

Sep 9, 6 tweets

The MN National Guard’s 1-194th Armor was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC).

Tim Walz was invited to the ceremony.

He did not attend and has yet to even acknowledge their historic achievement.

A soldier who deployed tells me:

“It felt like one last betrayal.” 🧵1/

PUC is the highest award a unit can receive for valorous service in combat operations.

President Biden awarded The PUC to Task Force Bastard for their heroic actions in Kabul, Afghanistan in August of 2021.

The first time it’s been awarded to Task Force Bastard since WWII.🧵2/

Here I have attached a clip from the award ceremony for Task Force Bastard.

They received the following awards:

- Presidential Unit Citation
- Meritorious Unit Commendation
- Superior Unit Award

Despite his invite, Governor Walz did not acknowledge or attend the ceremony. 🧵3/

The soldier who contacted me about Governor Walz’s absence had been struggling over the past two years.

Many have also felt a similar sentiment.

I’ve taken measures to maintain their anonymity in fear of retaliation for speaking out.🧵4/

Here is their full quote:

Governor Tim Walz was the Commander in Chief to Task Force Bastard during the operations in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Just as Walz did more than 20 years ago, he continues to leave his soldiers behind.

All while he has continued to embellish his service for political gain. 🧵5/

The ceremony for the Presidential Unit Citation occurred on Friday, September 6th.

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