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Sep 10, 2024, 10 tweets

🧵With three billion monthly users, Facebook is the world’s largest media platform. This gives whoever controls it enormous power to shape narratives worldwide.

The US government has consistently used this power to influence Facebook and censor and delete viewpoints it does not like.

Last August, Facebook deleted nearly 8,000 accounts and 1,000 pages that spread positive messages about China and criticized US actions against Beijing.

Facebook did not claim these accounts were linked to the Chinese government, and so it was merely their opinions that triggered their removal.

In 2022, Facebook deleted more than 1600 pro-Russian accounts.

Facebook has consistently silenced Palestinian voices condemning US and Israeli actions in Gaza, while not doing the same to the other side.

Facebook employees, such as Ferras Hamad and Saima Akhter, were fired for raising concerns over the company’s pro-Israel censorship regime.

In 2021, Facebook attempted to swing the Nicaraguan elections to the pro-US candidate by deleting hundreds of leftist accounts and news pages, just one week before the election.

The Facebook team that attacked Nicaraguan democracy was filled with ex-CIA, NATO and White House officials.

Since 2018, Facebook has been in partnership with the NATO offshoot, the Atlantic Council, giving them power to control billions of users' news feeds.

Facebook’s upper echelons are filled with former US state and intelligence officials, who make sure the US government’s interests are well served by the Silicon Valley giant.

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