Tom Kindlon Profile picture
With ME 36 years (30 yrs severe). 95% of posts on #MEcfs/#LongCovid/#chronicillness. 26 publications in peer-reviewed journals. @IrishMECFSAssoc trustee 27 yrs

Sep 11, 2024, 17 tweets

New 24-minute video from @MEActNet & @patientled

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it.

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PostExertionalMalaise

@MEActNet @patientled @BatemanHorne 2/
From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

9 (update)/

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this video was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE

@MEActNet @patientled @threadreaderapp unroll

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