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Sep 11, 10 tweets

EVERY Kamala Harris LIE From the ABC News Debate!

These were SIMPLE LIES that were EASILY debunkable, but the moderators were asleep behind the wheel!


LIE #1: Gun Control

Kamala said Trump was lying about her wanting to confiscate firearms...She has stated SEVERAL times that she wants a MANDATORY firearm buyback!

LIE #2: Charlottesville HOAX

Kamala Harris repeated the same LIE that Trump called Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists "Very Fine People."

Joe Biden was FACT CHECKED but Kamala Harris was NOT!?

LIE #3: Abortion

Trump RIGHTFULLY CLAIMED babies were being k*lled outside the womb in failed abortions.

Under Gov. Tim Walz, Babies Born Alive in Botched Abortions Were Left to Die. Then He Removed Reporting Requirements

Virginia's former governor Ralph Shearer Northam endorsed post birth abortion.

@KristanHawkins Literally called an abortion clinic to have a late-term abortion and they said yes to it.

The ABC moderators simply said Trump was lying and moved on without adding context.

LIE #4: Defund the Police

We all know where Kamala Harris stood during the BLM Riots in 2020. Instead of backing law enforcement, she backed the rioters.

LIE #5: "Blo*dbath"

Kamala stated that Trump said there would be a blo*dbath if he is not elected, basically referring to a fantasy situation where his supporters in theory would violently riot and bludgeon the opposition if he lost.

The term "blo*dbath" was used in an economic context at his rally where he was saying that the auto industry in America would FAIL if he did not win this election.

LIE #6: January 6th

Kamala Harris claimed she was at the Capitol on January 6th during the riots.

She was at the Capitol the morning of but left (on camera) before the riots even took place at 11:21 AM

LIE #7: Project 2025

Kamala predictably continues to try to attach Trump to Project 2025 even though it's been DEBUNKED numerous times that he has NOTHING to do with Project 2025

LIE #8: Haitian Migrants ATE Pets?

Trump rightfully stated the concerns of so many Ohio residents dealing with Haitian migrants capturing pets and local wildlife for food.


Kamala claims that she's now in favor of fracking even though in every single one of her past campaigns she has ran on BANNING IT!

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