Spokes CycleCampaign Profile picture
Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign: fighting for better conditions for everyday journeys by bike, particularly in Edinburgh & Lothian. Also lobby Scottish Govt.

Sep 12, 18 tweets

#Edinwebcast Transpt Cttee today 12.9.24


First meeting for new convener @cllr_jenkinson

#PrincesStreet/#WaverleyValley - future
#GeorgeStreet - big funding problem
#Corstorphine #LTN
#Climate plan edinburgh.public-i.tv/core/portal/we…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex #Edinwebcast

#Corstorphine Connections
Written submissions by @TrafficLow (for) &
ACE (against)
Also ACE verbal

@CllrChasBooth asks how ACE would cut traffic?
A: main road will always be busy, can make side roads safer democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s745…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth #Edinwebcast .. #Corstorphine Connections

Local solicitors also oppose LTN

Cllr Munro asks if ok to keep LTN except #BusGate
A (solicitor): Yes, support safer conditions e.g for schools

NOTE: Transport Cttee no longer takes final decision, it will be up to a legal subcommittee

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth #Edinwebcast .. #GeorgeStreet

Report says big financial costs make scheme problematic, but could reduce🚙sooner-->

George St Assn says project must go ahead eventually, but don't cut🚙till then
Also says Spokes #PrincesStreet deputn should be investigated democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s747…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth #Edinwebcast

Q: Cllr @DAstonSNP saw🚲/🚙crash at #SmokeyBrae. When will the promised report come to Cttee?
A (officer): Should be by end of year

Q: @CllrChasBooth asks re long-delayed #BikeHire report (was due June)
A: Report is coming to next Cttee, October

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood #Edinwebcast

#CityCentre Transformation
Agreed by Cttee 1.2.24
Hoped remove through-traffic 2025

BUT Business Bulletin has no times; implies much longer

@CllrChasBooth asks re early action
A: unclear; more info to cllrs soon spokes.org.uk/2024/03/draft-…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh #Edinwebcast

Draft strategy->
to approve for consultn

No mention of
🤔Princes St🚲lanes
🤔West End Jn danger->
Does include
👍East End🚲links
👍Bridge🚶🚲at East of Waverley Stn

Spokes deputn attached democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s745…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh #Edinwebcast ... #PrincesStreet

Q: Cllr Munro, as a cyclist, concerned re danger of Princes St cycling, near #tramlines/buses
A: Remains important🚲link but no space for segregation. Special consideration @ West & East end jns + links to #GeorgeStreet #LothianRoad #Bridges etc

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh #Edinwebcast .. #PrincesStreet

@CllrChasBooth refers to #SpokesLothian deputation
#LeithWalk has zero🚲/#tramline crashes because segregated; #PrincesStreet needs segregated

A: Will consider this in the consultn, but space very tight. West & East end jns dangers will be tackled

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh #Edinwebcast .. #PrincesStreet

@cllrchasbooth/@KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens amendment argues for segregated🚲facilities
- @scotgov guidance seeks direct safe routes, not indirect (also meaning tramline crossings)
- Tramlines already implicated in a🚲death #ZhiMinSoh

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov #Edinwebcast .. #PrincesStreet

@cllr_jenkinson accepts Green para..
"consideration will be given to segregated cycling facilities along the length of Princes Street, and installation of safe cycling facilities at West End and East End junctions"

👍Vote: Amended motion, agreed

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov #Edinwebcast .. #GeorgeStreet


Big cash problem given @transcotland cuts

Report suggests interim🚙reduction

Cllr @DAstonSNP asks re #asphalt instead of #granite; cheaper to install & maintain, safer for🚲🚶🧑‍🦽
A: Heritage issue, cllrs will decide democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s747…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland #Edinwebcast .. #GeorgeStreet

Q: Cllr @KateC_SNP asks re 15mph
A: @scotgov plans 15mph trial and may include George St

Q: Cllr @lezleymarion asks re early🚙parking removal
A: In line with City Mobility plan to cut🚙km. Would retain disabled, loading, etc but cllrs will decide

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland @KateC_SNP @lezleymarion #Edinwebcast .. #GeorgeStreet


Cllr @kevin_lang (LibDem) concern re £40m on this one street

@CllrChasBooth/@KayleighFONeill (Green) emphasises urgency, as part of #CCWEL & City Mobility Plan

@CllrWhyte (Con) to retain🚙parking till full scheme democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/b251…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland @KateC_SNP @lezleymarion @kevin_lang @CllrWhyte #Edinwebcast .. #GeorgeStreet

Cllr @DAstonSNP: project good but may be too costly; need interim measures for #ActiveTravel

@cllr_jenkinson: A report will come back soon, looking at options for funding & interim measures to reduce🚙 use & to support🚶🧑‍🦽🚲

Vote: report approved

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland @KateC_SNP @lezleymarion @kevin_lang @CllrWhyte #Edinwebcast .. #ClimateCrisis

#Climate adaptation plan->

@CllrChasBooth re transport impacts
A: All depts will be affected, and officers trained how to consider climate

Q: Cllr Munro re costs
A: If built in at start of projects, extra costs often small democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s745…

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland @KateC_SNP @lezleymarion @kevin_lang @CllrWhyte #Edinwebcast .. #ClimateCrisis

@CllrChasBooth says💰saved if build in resilience
Plan agreed + Green amendt so future Cttee reports include this

CTTEE ENDS AT 3.30 - earliest ever ?

👏 @cllr_jenkinson though fairly non-controversial agenda, usually Lab/SNP/Green/LD all agreed

@cllr_jenkinson @CyclingEdin @edi_dot_bike @Cyclesouthedin @EdinReporter @TrafficLow @thecockburn @CockburnChair @best_edinburgh @johnrobson87 @AvGeekAlex @CllrChasBooth @DAstonSNP @LaidBackBikes @EdCriticalMass @harts_cyclery @InfraSisters @Alex4Craig_Dudd @joan_griffiths @EdinburghMinute @carfreeholyrood @SW20Ed @sto_paul @laura_laker @TransformScot @FoeEdinburgh @KayleighFONeill @EdinburghGreens @scotgov @transcotland @KateC_SNP @lezleymarion @kevin_lang @CllrWhyte @DrScottArthurMP ⬆️Our thread from #Transport Cttee 12.9.24
with new convener @cllr_jenkinson

- #PrincesStreet consultn will consider🚲lanes
- #GeorgeStreet cash crisis; will🚙reduction happen?
- 🚲/🚙crash #SmokeyBrae
- #BikeShare report in Oct
- #ClimateCrisis adaptation


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