Jeremy Wayne Tate Profile picture
Catholic, husband and dad of 6, CEO of @CLT_Exam - “the most disruptive and hopeful development in American education” - @KevinRobertsTX

Sep 13, 2024, 6 tweets

Before Canada went insane they built some of the most beautiful churches on earth. 🧵

Notre Dame Basilica is located in the historic district of Old Montreal.

Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

St. Mary's Basilica (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

Night scene of St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

St. Peter's Cathedral Basilica, London Ontario

I hope to visit all of these beautiful churches before the Trudeau administration allows them to be burned to the ground like 33 other churches in Canada since 2021.

Let’s raise awareness before they are gone!!

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