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Writer, author of ' Think Like A White Man' (don't panic, its a satire) & 'The Hip-Hop MBA'. Former banker Founder @UppityHQ Agent:

Sep 14, 2024, 9 tweets

Long thread:

The story and treatment of Marieha Hussain is one of the most alarming, ludicrous and unbelievable I’ve ever witnessed. It is a story of eye-wateringly blatant state racism, media complicity in that racism, police manipulation and cultural incompetence. And it is a story that must now end with the resignation of Stephen Parkinson, the current Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). His position is untenable as he has turned the @CPSUK into a free-speech threatening laughing stock.


On the 11th of November 2023 Marieha Hussain went on a pro-Palestinian march with her husband, young children and other family members. She carried the now-famous British free speech symbol, the coconut placard. Not seen however, is that on the other side of the placard is a cartoon of Suella Braverman as Cruella de Vil (The Hundred and One Dalmatians cartoon villain). It has the slogan “Cruella Braverman”. The satirical intent was always obvious. Her poster elicited nothing but laughter and fanfare throughout the day.

At one point during the rally, an unidentified male voice shouted out “Can I take a picture of your placard”. Marieha happily obliged and held up the "Cruella Braverman" side of the poster. The man then asked her for the other side of the placard, to wit she happily turned the placard around to reveal the Braverman/Sunak coconuts image. The man then took a picture of Marieha with the coconut image.

We still don’t know who took the picture, however, the picture swiftly ended up on the Twitter account of Harry’s Place, described in court (by Marieha’s barrister) as a “secretive political blog headquartered in Washington DC that has a particular interest in opposing any criticism of the Israeli state”.

Harry’s Place published the picture on Twitter, they labelled it racist and tagged in the Met Police. Within six minutes of Harry’s Place publishing the picture, the Met Police (via "Senior Media and Communications Manager" Chris Humphrys – who said in court that he knew Harry's Place was an "anonymous political blog”) responded. Not long after (and while Marieha was still on the march) they issued the life-destroying tweet below – which quickly racked up over 4 million views on Twitter. It decimated Marieha’s life, ensured she lost her job, opened her up to enormous racist abuse and led to the media harassment of both her and her parents.

Side bar: To this day we don’t know what the parents of any of Britain’s bluechip actual racists do/did for a living. Yet thanks to the Daily Mail and others we know the names, professions, ethnic origins, house location, house price, etc of Marieha’s parents.

Some insight: Marieha’s father (who I will not name) was at the trial throughout but couldn’t stay to witness his nine-month pregnant daughter’s exoneration as he left to go and fulfil an appointment for one of his medical patients. Let that sink in.

Marieha Hussain and her family are pillars of the community – a literal homelessness-to-success British immigration story we should all be proud and appreciative of. Yet they were torn down for engaging in that most British of the elements of humour: satire.


With her image now viral, her family details all over the media and a police-issued “wanted for hate crimes” notice with her face on it in circulation, on the 14th of November Marieha submitted herself to a police station for questioning. The questioning session was extremely hostile and intimidating. The male officer shouted and behaved super-aggressively to Marieha, leaving her visibly frightened and her lawyer alarmed.

Thanks to this trial, we now know that the police and CPS often source and rely on narratives related to culturally sensitive issues online (especially Twitter) to construct arguments. This played a big role in how this matter got out of hand.

During Marieha’s questioning session the police officer pulled out the tweets of Sunder Katwala and said “well, he believes this is racist and he is a prominent ethnic minority”. The many voices that said things to the contrary and gave actual context to back it up, were not evoked by the police.

After the questioning session ended Marieha and her husband arrived home quite late at night. In the early hours of the morning (circa 2am) a random lone police officer showed up at their home and started banging on the door. Already in bed, Marieha and her husband again - understandably frightened - did not answer the door and the officer eventually left. They raised the issue with the police yet nothing became of it, they didn’t even offer an apology.

After the police questioning session, Marieha was left in limbo for months. We were hopeful, prayerful even, that glaring common sense would prevail, and she would not be charged. Alas it didn’t.

Bizarrely, Marieha didn’t find out from the police that she was about to be charged, she was informed by Al Jazeera’s Aina Khan (@ainajkhan), who was working a story on the case. The police had sent notice of Marieha’s charges to her old address (which BTW, she was forced to leave due to police and press harassment).

It should be noted that the police threatened Aina Khan with contempt of court if she proceeded with the Al Jazeera piece she was working on it. Well, to the redeeming credit of the very concept of journalism in this case, Khan not only proceeded with it but published it.

5. 🧵Despite using Sunder Katwala’s tweets as proof that “coconut is racist” during questioning, the police were unable to find anyone with any significant expertise who would advise and testify in court that “coconut is racist”.

In their desperation police officer Shrenick Shah contacted – wait for it – Professor Kehinde Andrews (@kehinde_andrews). You read correctly: they contacted Europe’s first and only Professor of Black Studies, a renowned anti-racist intellectual, to testify that “coconut is racist”. Kehinde sent the police an extensive letter informing them both how and why coconut is not racist. He also demanded that the police share his advice with the CPS so they could stop wasting everyone’s time.

Unfortunately, the police and CPS didn’t heed Kehinde’s advice.

As fate would have it, @mybcu has decided to curtail the Black Studies undergraduate course. If Marieha Hussain’s Coconut Trial proves anything it proves that Birmingham City Uni should be massively expanding the Black Studies course and aggressively pitching it to the police forces and the CPS. Believe me, if they wish to ever be taken seriously again, they desperately need it.

The above takes us up to the point of arrests and charge. Things get even more insane from there - especially at the pre-Coconut trial hearing and the actual Coconut Trial. I'll continue the thread later.

In the meantime, please watch the Channel 4 News report by @symeonbrown

🧵6. The Pre-Coconut Trial

On the morning of the 26th June 2024 Marieha Hussain was scheduled to attend the Coconut Trial’s pre-trial hearing to enter her not guilty plea and agree logistics for the actual Coconut Trial. To coincide with this a protest was organised outside the courtroom. I arrived a little early and saw the protestors had set up their symbols: replicas of Marieha’s original placard – with the added slogan “FAO POLICE: THIS IS SATIRE” on top. They also had physical coconuts on the ground as well as some Palestinian flags.

I saw (and greeted) the five or six police officers who were there when I arrived. It was all very cordial, respectful and peaceful. The police had clearly seen the protest paraphernalia, just like I had. They made no issue of it. I entered the court to locate Marieha’s courtroom. Joining me there was the activist @EsheruKwaku and the documentary maker @RajeshThind.

Half an hour later the protest was now in full swing, a lot of people had joined yet it seemed normal – speeches and chants. Suddenly there was an upswing in emotion and shouting. Esheru, Rajesh and I looked outside. We saw a visibly larger number of police complete with two more police vans.

For some strange reason, the police had waited for more protestors (and media cameras) to arrive and decided to manufacture a commotion. The police suddenly and needlessly started to round up and arrest several of the protesters - six in total. They were all from the advocacy organisation CAGE. Their “crime” was to hold the replica of Marieha’s placard, even though they put them down when instructed to do so.

Even more bizarrely, the police – complete with evidence-gathering rubber gloves on – began “arresting” the physical coconuts. They placed the coconuts in sealable plastic bags – something we’re more accustomed to seeing them do with zombie knives. The sight of the police arresting the coconuts was the first comedic relief we’d all shared since the beginning of Marieha’s ordeal. Yet the commotion it created and the needless arrests left us shaken.

For the arrested protesters from CAGE, it couldn't be more serious. They are all still facing charges and are living under bail conditions. It should be noted that one of them requested a Bounty bar when he was held in the cell.

RELATED: here is a BBC Radio 5 Live discussion on the use of coconut and the Coconut Trial:

🧵7. The Pre-Coconut Trial continued.

The pre-trial hearing was scheduled to start at 10am on the 26th of June, but it actually started significantly later. Marieha, who at this point was around six months pregnant, had to wait in court all day long.

While experiencing the worst of Britain, the best of Britain emerged. The owner of ShakeShuka, a Palestinian restaurant near Baker Street, spotted the Palestinian flags outside the court and came in to find out what was happening. After attaining details he kindly insisted Marieha and her family do lunch and relaxation – for free – at his restaurant (which was up the road).

The pre-trial hearing started around 3:30pm - five hours later than scheduled. We arrived in court and took seats in the public gallery. Then came a soul-crushing moment, a moment that should be enshrined in British prosecutorial infamy: the clerk invited a six-month pregnant Marieha to take a seat in the glassed-off dock area where defendants are held. Marieha took a momentary glance at her husband and the rest of her family. The dread in her eyes palatably matched the dread permeating from her family. And then she made her way into the dock. The glass door was promptly locked behind her. She took a seat and looked, once again, towards her family.

Marieha was represented at the pre-trail hearing by the absolute legend that is Gareth Peirce (please look her up).

Marieha was then informed that she had been charged with a racially aggravated public order offence. She promptly pled not guilty. From there the discussion on the logistics of the trial began.
Everyone was eager for Marieha to stand trial before her due date. The 12th of September was set, and the expectation was the trial would not last more than two days.

From the outset, the CPS were eager to ensure no expert witnesses were admitted to the trial. Their exact words were: “coconut is racist should be treated as a statement of fact”. They argued that bringing in expert witnesses would “turn this trial into an academic exercise”. Gareth argued the contrary and won the argument. Expert witnesses were on the books.

We now know that in addition to contacting Kehinde Andrews (@kehinde_andrews) to be an expert witness (as was aforementioned he rebuffed them and wrote a letter explaining why 'coconut was not racist'), roughly a month before the pre-trial the police also contacted Sunder Katwala (and a third person who remains unknown to us). According to Sunder he “declined to participate on two grounds: not in favour of their prosecuting this case, nor an expert on public order offences and protected characteristics.” Sunder only revealed this information to us yesterday – once the trial was complete.

Ultimately, the state did not present any expert witnesses, likely because they could not find one. Nevertheless, despite advice to the contrary from Kehinde Andrews - the nation's foremost academic and expert on such matters - they proceed with the case and place a nine-month-pregnant Marieha on trial. All due to the cloutrage of an anonymous Washington DC-based blog.

The pre-trial hearing ended and Marieha was released on unconditional bail. Unfortunately, the clerk had gone missing so Marieha had to spend an extra five-ish minutes locked in the glass dock while he was located.

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