Thread of 19 most unique bizarre buildings here on Earth which you have (probably) never seen or heard before..
1. The largest hotel in the world, with a staggering 10,000 rooms is currently under construction in Saudi Arabia
2. This building in Guizhou China
3. Inverted Pyramid House in Spain
4. The Department of Fisheries in Hyderabad, India
5. The interlace - singapore
6. Unique housing in Netherlands
7. The Frame in Dubai- elevator up, walk across a glass floor, elevator down
8. Sou Fujimoto's "Arbre Blanc" Tower in Montpellier, France
9. Turtle building
10. Built in the 18th century, this is one of the oldest buildings in Hattfjelldal municipality in Norland, Norway
11. The national Carpet Museum in Baku, Azerbaijan
12. Container house in the desert
13. This is the Grasshopper Cafe in South Korea made out of train cars
14. Meitan Tea Museum Guizhou, China
15. This building looks like it was designed in Microsoft Word
16. Airplane house in the village of Miziara, Lebanon (Aziz Taher)
17. HQ of the Longaberger Basket company in Ohio, USA
18. 600 year old clock located in Prague is the world's oldest astrological clock still in operation!
19. There's a huge open market in the Netherlands with apartments inside
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